
Do you also think that there are wild animals in the streets of South-Africa?

by Guest62957  |  earlier

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Do you also think that there are wild animals in the streets of South-Africa?




  1. Yes there is I use to have a pet leopard but it got ran over by a truck. The law suit is still ongoing. I now have a Kudu and a Wilddog.

  2. South Africans are the most dangerous thing in SA not the animals...I take it you have had a conversation with an American. I convinced one that Joburg had Victorian style omnibuses pulled by elephants and rickshaws/carriages pulled by zebra.

  3. nope, not really


  5. This question must be part of a bad joke.

    From Planet???

  6. yes - depends which streets.

  7. south africa is a jungle, be careful that the lions don`t eat you up

  8. hahaha!! I get many people asking me that here in London! how silly...and that shows you how little they know about other countries...and i also got that question from Americans online where i play chess... the idea i got from people (as a teacher), is that all they know about SA is Apartheid...and they are still under the impression that if you are white...and you speak are and must be a racist! (how sad...poor thingies)...and in SA you get animals around every street corner!! wake up!  just because it was "law" in SA that white goes HERE and black goes's not to say that everyone WAS a racist! and because Africa is "wild"...there's animals all over the place! We have something that we call "Game Reserves" or "National Parks" the Kruger National park" and there the animals roam the fields of South Africa....but that's ok, we are getting used to the "world" not knowing that an American guy didn't know they speak English in London! whawhawhawhawha!

  9. No there are not. The only thing you get is monkeys around the coast particularly. If you go further towards the bush areas you will see types of buck but its definitley not an elephant crosses at the traffic lights situation :) Maybe you should visit and you will find out. Its a beautiful country.

  10. This is absolutely hilarious. LOL. I live in South Africa and the only streets wild animals walk around in is the dirtroads in the Kruger National Park. We are as modern as most other countries.

  11. There are lots of baboons and you must be careful because they like to put there hands through your car window and steel your belongings, particularly in Jo'burg.

  12. yes. i also have a pet elephant and zebra in my garden. Sometimes they play with the neighbours' lion.

  13. I would love to meet one  -  i live here in SA and no luck.............where is Simba the lion king

  14. Yes. They masquerade as human beings but they murder,rape and rob at the least opportunity. You can recognise them b their velcro tops.

  15. Onetime You have to forgive these dudes with the smart mouth answers. They have used this as their personal forum for so long they forget it is a place to answer questions.

    For the most part, the wild animals stay on reserves, both privately owned and national, like the Kruger. Monkeys, meerkats and baboons are often spotted on the roadsides, mostly in the more rural spots. Baboons are often seen on the roads on the outskirts of Cape Town even. If you are going to S.A. they are fun to watch but can be dangerous if you feed them or try to play with them. They are wild animals and should be treated with respect. Occasionally a giraffe or rhino or one of the larger wild animals wanders out of a reserve. It usually is rounded up by the game wardens pretty quickly and taken back to a reserve.

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