
Do you always get what you want?

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Do you always get what you want?




  1. no never..........

  2. Yes, and if there are problems I find way around it.

  3. Not according to Mick Jagger

  4. Sooner or later I'll get all the things I want.

    I guess God decides when that will be.

    BTW..why is this in Enviroment? It should be in P/S

  5. Very rarely do I get what I want.

  6. no

  7. I dont always get what I want..... A lot of times I dont get what I want but my husband sure trys to give me what I want he makes me happy in everyway that is the only way that I get things that i want is if he gives it to me....=) I wish that I could always have everything that I wanted!!!! =)

  8. somtimes.

    not always

  9. I don't usually want something I currently don't have like PSP or iPhone but when I do, I will get it most of the time. Though right now I have neither items I just mention....coz I don't want them yet....

  10. not always.

  11. nah!!! i don't..not always...sometimes lol

  12. an old saying comes to mind: be careful what you wish for, because you might actually get it.

  13. If only...

  14. Usually, people are always very kind to me, can't think why!

  15. Nope!!!!

  16. Nope. I don't always get what I want. I get what God wanted me to have. If everything I wanted is on me now what is tomorrow for?

  17. i did not get always i want because its unfair if you always get what you want to other like my brothers they like what i like to so i did not

  18. I wish

  19. I am a simple being and wish for things tangible to obtain, so always and in abundance.

  20. I can't always get what I want, but if I try sometimes, I get what I need.

  21. I NEVER get what I want.

    I want only one thing - for the spammer who keeps opening up a new account and posting that silly question "how can a 14 year old make money on-line" to have a heart attack and drop dead.

    And it NEVER happens!

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