
Do you always go the speed limit no matter what or do you sometimes get in a hurry & go over......?

by  |  earlier

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if you go over how much over do you go?




  1. It depends on the road and where it is.  If I am driving on a trip in California or Nevada, I usually go aroub 80-85 in a posted 65 zone.

    In the city during commute time I go around 70 in a 65 zone.  That is, of course, when traffic on the 405 doesn't make me go 10 mph in a 65 mph zone.

  2. in america, according to the other drivers, the speed limit is considered the minimum speed not the max speed... so i try to stay less than 10% over... 45 in a 40, 72 ish in the 65's... unless you are getting passed alot at that speed, then drive faster.

  3. i dont go over the speed limit no need to .

  4. I tend to drive 5mph over the posted speed limit.

    Unless this is a school zone, then I go the posted limit.

  5. I'm always going over the speed limit, but not excessively, usually 5-10 mph over. Of course, if traffic's bad I do not tailgate or anything; I'm not an aggressive driver.

  6. I go the posted limit. I have a spotless driving record and I want to keep it that way. In my area the police will ticket for as little as a 1 mph over. The local police ticketed my mom once for doing 36 in a 35 and it was not a school zone.

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