
Do you always have a period if you are on Clomid?

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I have just started taking clomid - but looking at the ovulation tests I don't seen to have ovulated (I have had a light 2nd line for about a week) Don't think I have ovulated this month - but do you think i will have a period so I can try again next month. Please tell me your experiences.




  1. If you don't ovulate the first time it means you need a stronger dose. I didn't ovulate the first month either and then ovulated on my 100mg dose.. The only way I knew I ovulated was from my clear blue easy fertility monitor. I love that thing and recommend it to everyone.

  2. hi just wanted to add that if you missed the day 21 because it was the weekend, it will still show an accurate result i had mine on day 22 as mine fell on a sunday, (showed i ovulated even though it was day 22) my gyno didn't scan me either he said there's no proof it works (not sure if that true or not but as long as you have the day 21 test you'll know if you ovulated or not), i wouldn't trust those ovulation strips 100% either, i think if you don't ovulate on it then i don't think you'll get a period as i didn't when i didn't ovulate on it before, if you don't then i'd suggest you ring your gynaecologist Secretary (just ring the hospital and ask to be put through to your consults Secretary)  this way they will tell you what you need to do next.

    personally i think they will up the dose and give you prova to take to bring on a period.

    and don't lose hope i didn't ovulate on 50mgs but i had 100mg last month and i ovulated.

  3. just because you are on clomid does not mean you ovulated. did the dr do an ultrasound to see follicles?  

  4. hi there, when i was on clomid i ovulated and had regular periods, still no pregnancy, myself and partner are now on the IVF waiting list after 6 yrs of trying and many tests brought anything to light! unexplained infertility... but i was scanned regually whilst taking clomid! ure day 21 test has to be on day 21 or it wont show the right results, hang in there pop in and see ure doctor just to put ure mind at ease (fingers crossed) hope all goes well for u!!! good luck xx

  5. In my experience, when I didn't ovulate my doctor put me on Provera to bring my period. When I did ovulate, my period came on its own. If your doctor offers you Provera, I would take it, otherwise you're just waiting around, wasting more time.

    Good luck

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