
Do you always have to tip the delivery guy if he doesnt travel far?

by  |  earlier

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There is a resturaunt that delivers that isnt far from my house but sometimes I'm lazy to walk so I get it delivered. Sometimes I tip and sometimes I dont. The one time I didnt tip he said 'what no tip' and looked kinda pissed. Do you HAVE to tip the delivery guy every single time, ESPECIALLY if your a semi regular customer? I dont think so considering he doesnt drive far at all.




  1. yes...that is how he makes a living

  2. All of the delivery guys that I know really depend on their tips so no matter what the distance, He certainly should receive a tip.

  3. Yes, if they were not spending time and the gas to serve you, although you are close, then they could be spending that time and gas on someone else further away who would be tipping them a little larger.  It is rude, in my opinion as someone who has worked customer service to not tip just because you are close and a regular.

  4. Most of these guys count on the tip as part of there income, and the restaurants they work for pay them accordingly.  So yes, tip the guy.

  5. Rule of thumb,If it is brought to you,tip the server!

  6. Yes, even if it's just a dollar.  After all, he is helping you out.  Also, most of these guys work for tips only.

  7. yes, you should tip every time.

  8. You even said right there in your question that you were too lazy to go out. He wasn't too lazy to hand you your food, Mr. Cheapskate.

  9. I think you should always give him at least a dollar - unless you are being charged a substantial deliver fee then tip might be included

  10. Common courtesy says yes. But if he is not prompt rethink a tip. By the way a tip should be 10% of the bill.

  11. Yes you should.  Most people believe that delivery drivers, waiters, and waitresses make at least minimum wage, when in fact they don't make but only 2 to 3 dollars an hour depending on the state.  In the same respect it is out of line for them to say "what no tip".

  12. yes, you can be lazy but not a tight *** too

  13. Yes, he still got out of the store and delivered it to you, so you should tip.  Kinda stinks, but it's what you pay for convenience.  And if you put yourself in his shoes, you'd want to be tipped to even if its a block or two.

  14. No one is going to force you to tip, but it is common courtesy to tip every time. The delivery guy might be working off of tips, you never know. If it is prompt service then you should tip.

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