
Do you always look for the good in others?

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I think that everyone has some good in them, even if, on the surface, they appear to be the most vile, hateful person you'll ever meet. I think if we looked more for the good instead of pointing out each other's flaws/mistakes, that would help each other out and probably start a chain reaction.

What do you think?




  1. I agree, I always look for the good in everyone. No one is all bad. No one is completely without a heart.

  2. Yes

  3. i look for the best but prepare for the worst.

  4. Yes! There was a girl in my english class who decided that she hated me on the first day of school. For the rest of the year she was nasty to me but I smiled and said hi to her every class. We ended up in the same group for our english final project, and at first she was the same to me but all of a sudden she apologized to me and we became really good friends. I found out that she was going through a very hard time causing her to take her anger out at school on other students, and I didn't mind forgiving her. She needed a good friend to talk to and I'll try to be the best I can for her. I really hate the cliques in school and all the drama. If we looked for good in others everyone in school could get over it and be friends. you made a good point :)

  5. I think you make a very good point.  There should be more people like you and here's a star for you!

  6. i try to look for good in people but sometimes, the bad is just to harsh to keep trying. everyone has good in them, just a matter of wanting to put the time in to find it

  7. Yes,always....

  8. I always try in the hope they'll do the same for me!!!!!

  9. i agreed but i just assume there's good in everybody ^_^

  10. at first, i don't look, i assume it's there. sometimes it takes me a long time to give up.

  11. I agree with you but I look at the negative in people as well . I believe that people's negative characteristics sharpen our character to make us what we really need to be as"good" people. My negative side helps others be better people. As the saying goes, Iron sharpenth Iron.

  12. Most of the time I do but its very hard to do

  13. nope

  14. Yes, I like to think it's one of my best qualities :D

  15. yes. there's gotta be some good in everybody =]

  16. yes you are correct

    i try to look for the good in all  

  17. Yeah, true true.

    Like Hitler was just religious. But he was just really misplaced and confused.

  18. Yes, I always do. I never judge people by what they look like until I really get to know them, but even if they seem like they are a bad person, there seems to be spots when their good people.  

  19. I agree with you.

    Even the worst of us, has good in it.

    And even the best of us, has some bad in it.

    So - always lookng for the best in everyone -- is the best !!!

  20. i try, but i eventually lose patience..

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