
Do you always make sure your bottles are completely dry before using?

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I asked a similar question, but now I'm wondering since I only use a bottle every now and then (I'm mainly breastfeeding) people are suggesting I go ahead and wash (or at least rinse) out a bottle before using it since they have been sitting in my cabinets since they don't get used often, but if that's the case, then how would they air dry completely if I need it right away? Is it really that important that they are completely dry?




  1. If you are sterilizing them and allowing them to completely dry BEFORE you store them w/ caps on then they are ready to go. You shouldn't have to rinse before use as long as the cap is on tightly then nothing is going to get inside it.  If you decided that you did want to rinse before use, just shake out really well.... a minute amount of water or a drop or two isnot going to hurt anything.

  2. No I have used them many times while still wet.As long as there isn't any soap in there,no harm done.

  3. not really... as long as you make sure that you don't have any soap on the bottle. just make sure you rinse thoroughly

  4. IT is fine to rinse them, that tiny bit of water will not hurt your child in the least.  :)

  5. I end up rinsing them out before i use it anyways because i am always worried that some soap or something might be left from being washed so I just rinse them which means they are wet when i fill them  

  6. I don't think a little water in the bottle (that hasn't completely dried) is going to cause any harm ..

    I always wash my son's bottles and use them without drying them. He's 1 and absolutely perfect.

  7. Theres times I'll wash my daughters bottles, then end up using one before its dry.  Water wont harm anything.

  8. nah...water wont hurt it!!!  mine are in the sink right now and they will air dry for the amount of time it takes me to make new formula and fill them!!  They'll be fine!!

    (Ooopps, I also only use drop ins if that matters)

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