
Do you always understand or do you just mostly nod your head and try to act like you do?

by  |  earlier

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Charlotte is mostly a head nodder. Mostly. ♥




  1.'s an act...unless i'm really interested in the topic...

    if i'm not asking any questions then i'm not interested...but just to make the person think i'm listening i just nod every now and again...

    it's a really bad habit, i know....i do it to everyone...but hate when it's done to me...

  2. I'm like a bobble head doll.

  3. I'm a head nodder because sometimes, I just don't feel like using my lips.

  4. I'm with you. If you act like you know then they won't sit there and talk your ear off. L O L

  5. If I don't understand, than I'll ask questions until I do understand. Unless it's my dad, than I'll nod my head and act like I do so he'll hurry up with his talking and leave me alone!

  6. (nodding head)  Um-Hmmnn.

  7. ummmmmmmmm  YES!!! absolutely!!!

    - what are we talking about?

  8. head nodder....

  9. I give understanding the old college try, but after having something explained a time or two, I DEFINATELY start the nod.  The hubby knows all about the nod- and sometimes that comes back and bites me....

  10. *nods head*

  11. If I don't understand, I ask the person to explain with a smile on my face, as if I am truly interested.

    If I still don't understand, I'll laugh and let them know it's going over my head.

    I feel like nodding opens me up to a complete misunderstanding that could cause awkwardness later.

  12. Well this is Thursday...not only do I nod...I think with a German accent.

  13. Most of the time I understand - I'll always nod LOL - but if it's something that I do not understand and I actually WANT to know what's being talked about I'll ask...

  14. I'm more of a head nodder (:

    Uh-huh.. Yup, *nods head*.

    throw in a of course every time you finally understand.

    great question, star!

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