
Do you always use a one word "no" as your answer??

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Do you always use a one word "no" as your answer??




  1. It can be a dangerous thing to do.

    "I don't know" (idk), is now listed as being reportable.

  2. sometimes

  3. Most of the time but no one takes no for an answer, so I usually elaborate.

  4. no.

    (but with this question, yes.)

  5. "NO"

  6. No, sometimes I use "yes".

  7. When appropriate.

  8. No.

  9. Well, Moley, in the past three years  I have experimented and  tried to find a way to produce a two or more word 'no', but haven't succeeded yet. The b*****d seems to be very persistent in being a single word.

  10. no

  11. nono, good luck.

  12. Never.

  13. nope

  14. no, I also use yes

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