
Do you always wear your seat belt?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you like to live dangerously?




  1. i've always worn a seat belt from a young age and so has my daughter

  2. I like to live dangerously but because of all the dangerous unlicensed uninsured crazy NYC drivers that come up to my mountain community every summer, I have seen one too many deaths- thus resulting in me needing to wear my seat belt. I mean they caused me to lose a restored 69 camaro Z-28, a 1996 corvette, a new Toyota Tacoma, even my first car when I was 16. So yes, I wear my seat belt and each and every summer I no longer stay up here in the Catskill mountains- I get as far away as possible and when I return in September, I read all about those locals that were either hurt or killed by those idiots.

  3. All the time.  I don't ever drive away without it on and the car doesn't go anywhere unless all my passengers buckle up.  I've gotten so used to wearing it that it feels funny when I forget to put it on.  Now whenever I get in the seat, that's the first thing that goes on, before starting the ignition.

  4. That's called living stupid.If you survive. And if you do survive are you injured for life because of a stupid moment. There are to many idiots out there not to wear it. And cops can see it at night,only a fool would think other wise.

  5. yes all the time,

  6. Yes,it feels wrong to even start the car without it.

  7. yes i do now,it's the law in California.

  8. I do, all the time, especially when I seat at the front. It is for safety purposes, no matter how far I go traveling.

  9. Not at night. The cops can't see that. I don't like being FORCED to do something that should be MY choice, and I have ins. so I wont end up draining taxpayer's funds.

    Actually, the odds are WAY in my favor, as I always take my time, never tailgate, and generally drive in a safe manner, unlike when I was a teener. I guess I sort of feel like I was lucky to survive those teen years, so I'm not going to be too wild and crazy now that I have grand kids.

  10. Yes, I always do. Even if it wasn't a law, I would wear a seat belt.

  11. Always, its the first thing I do when I get into my vehicle.

  12. yes. all the time. no exceptions. it has been a force  of habit.....

  13. Always !

  14. Yes, always. It's just a habit now. I figure fighting traffic and idiots cutting me off, not using turn signals, etc. is dangerous enough.

  15. no, i try not to, but i do for my wife. when i have kids i always will, because of the idiots that should not have be driving.

  16. whenever i drive on california highways tickets cost too much

    life is dangerous enough

    edit i do buckle up force of habit all the time even as a passenger

    show some thumbs people

  17. Yes i do , why because when i was in my early 20s I got into a wreck in a friends 4x4 and if i wouldnt have had my seat belt on i would have gone through the windsheild like the person who was sitting in the middle of the seat did. He wasnt wearing a belt and he was messed up . It took along time for him to get over that and he still has scars . I think if the driver and i wouldnt have had them on we all might have died that night . We almost went head on w a log truck on a gravel road instead we went off a bank and down into a rivine and hit a large tree. Trevor was ejected on impact and the only thing that saved his life was that he didnt go all the way through


  18. I automatically buckle up when sitting in my seat, it's become a habbit. Obviously I'm not going to unbuckle for the sake of it, every little bit counts.

  19. I never did until I was 18. My best friend was killed in a car accident. She died because she was not wearing her seat belt. The car flipped over and she flew out the window and the car landed on top of her. They searched for her for over fifteen minutes thinking she was ejected into the field nearby. When they went to tow the car, they found her. I have worn it everyday since.

  20. Always!  It would be my luck the time I wouldn't wear it I'd get pulled over, lol.

  21. Why would you NOT wear your seat belt?  It takes what, like three seconds to buckle it?

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