
Do you anyone suffer from severe depression, anxiety and bipolar 1 combined? ?

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You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable. I suffer from all of these mental illnesses and I want my doctor to change my medication. I don't think that the combination of meds that she has me on has been working 100%. What meds are you taking and what does it help and does it keep you up? Thanks for your honest answers. It will help me a lot when I go to my next appointment.




  1. I don't have bipolar disorder, but I do have severe depression, anxiety, and OCD. I don't know exactly what you're going through, but let me empathize with's not easy.

    I'm currently on Lamictal. Lamictal is actually a drug that is not primarily used for bipolar disorder, but it has been shown to be very helpful. Lithium is the most common drug prescribed medication for those with bipolar disorder. Lamictal apparently can help those who have are resistent to Lithium. You can go the official site for Lamictal to read more about it, and there is a lot of information that you can google as well.

    There are MANY medications that you can go on that can potentially help you. Like it was mentioned before, there is SOMETHING out there that will help, it just might take a while to find it. Definitely talk to your doctor and see what they recommend. I hope things get better for you. I can relate to how you feel, not perfectly, but enough to say that I know it's difficult. Best of luck to you. =)

  2. Severe depression and anxiety are part of bipolar disorder. You need to be on an anti-psychotic to prevent or stabilize manic episodes, a mood stabilizer to help prevent future episodes, possibly an antidepressant, a benzo for the panic, and maybe even sleeping pills. Sounds like a lot. Everyone has a different combo that works for them. If you are still having symptoms then talk to your pdoc about adjusting your meds. Sometimes it takes a long time to find the right cocktail for you and sometimes something that has worked for a long time will stop working. Adjusting your meds is part of life with bipolar......... Sucks but true. Make a written list of the symptoms you are still having and take that to your next appt.

  3. Bipolar (be it 1 or 2) is like a treetop. All the branches are nothing but additional diagnosis, ie.. anxiety, ptsd, drepression, obsessive-compulsive and so on.

    You should fully advise your doctor on all symptoms you have and all concerns as well in hopes for the next right mix of medcines. It could also be that the meds you are on now just need to be increased a bit.

    My medicines cause drowsiness so I take another medicine (my upper II call it) to help me out throughout the day.

    If you don't already know-here are 2 websites that are a wealth of information: and

  4. i do.

    i do not think mine are as servere though.

    i dont take medication.

    too much money.

    its led me to anorexia , cutting , burning , and very low self esteme.

    well , it took time for me to get over that ,

    and i still have the scars , and same thoughts.

    but i believe that , if you set your self to it ,

    you really dont need medicine.

    wow , i think im a little off topic. (:

  5. I have bi-polar,anxiety,anger and depression.I have had this for 10 years after 3 manic phases.My mood level is bad at the moment and I can't sleep properly.I also don't think my meds are  working 100% I take, Lithium



    Temazepam and Lorazepam

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