
Do you approve of a teen going to an unsupervised party?

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My mother always forbid me from going anywhere unless a parent was present, but my friend who has a 16 year old daughter tells me she lets her daughter go to unsupervised parties.

She said, "I feel like if I keep her home from those things she'll never learn to make her own decisions. Essentially I'm keeping her home because I'm saying I don't trust her. But I do trust her, and I feel that if I say to her 'I know there is going to be beer there, but I hope you know drinking can become a habit and wreck your life, and I am trusting you to make the right decision'. I feel by giving her credit she's less likely to mess up."

She's not a slacker mom though, because this is the same mom who refuses to let her 7 year old play with Bratz dolls and does require that her teen tell her who, what, where, when and why when she goes out. But she doesnt ground her teen daughter really...when her daughter is disrespectful she doesnt say, "you're not going anywhere" because she says then they'll both be miserable.

This one time her daughter told her to kiss her *** so my friend said,"I will not tolerate you talking to me that way. I don't speak to you that way. Until you can rephrase what you said I am not going to have the conversation at all." Then when her daughter wanted a ride to the mall she said, "I'm sorry. But you don't respect me enough to talk to me in a calm way, so I cannot respect you enough to give you a ride to the mall."

I'm not sure how I feel abut all this....opinions?




  1. i like the mom who wouldnt let her daughter go to the mall

  2. i like this mom's way of doing things, my parents tried to keep me from things and it just made me do them more, when i turned 14 i got a 16y/o boyfriend at first they didn't even know then after 3months they found out and knew i wasn't going to stop seeing him, so they had him over for dinner and they liked him so after that they let me do more things because they trusted i was safe with him, when i was 16 they even let me stay at his house and at his there was no rules we stayed out till 6am, slept in the same bed etc.. ( given our town here in Spain is VERY safe to stay out late in) the point is we were ALWAYS sensible, never did drugs, drank responsibly and never got pregnant!!!! and are now living together going to university and planning our wedding! before my fiancee came along i was out drinking and kissing any guy i saw (i know that isn't bad by today's standards but still pretty bad at 14) i had just moved country and was rebelling also that's why i was so bad, but not terrible, but as soon as my parents started to trust me, i didn't care about breaking rules because there weren't any rules worth breaking, i was a good girl and never got into trouble. i think its better when parents put trust into their teens. rules were made to be broken (ever heard that? well teens take that all to literally)

    thanx to me being able to do what i did as a teen, im very mature now and i have to see my friends in uni drinking themselves into comas and doing stupid things and i just look on feeling bad for them, that they couldnt get through this fase with less damage because they feel they need to go overboard now because it was always against the rules so they just lose it now, its really sad, and im very lucky

  3. I don't think a teen should go to an unsupervised party. There's going to be tons of peer pressure, and most teens will break under that. Even if she lets her daughter go to unsupervised parties, doesn't mean it's good. The daughter can learn to make decisions in other ways, safer ways that won't influence her whole life. Good luck!

  4. yeah well if he/she can be trusted, of course. i've never given my mom a chance to doubt me and i've never lied to her. she knows where i am and what i do and we have a good/open relationship but obviously its not always the child you dont trust its other people who cant be trusted..shes sayin kiss my **s to her mother, i'd get a straight-up l**k ina me mout lol

  5. That sounds so much like my mom its unreal! My mom would always let me make my own decisions and run my own life, she would always be there for me to support me like any parent but she seemed so different from all the mothers of my friends. My mom let me go out to my fiends house until 2 am in the summer when i was 16, and she knew my friend lived only with her boyfriend! Somehow my mom knew me well enough that i wouldnt get into trouble, and i never did. I am 20 now, i have a 1 year old daughter and have been with the same guy for 4 years. I dont do drugs, I dont drink, and i think i am a great mom to my baby, i just hope that one day i can be as good a mom as she is to me. I just dont know how she does it! I have so much respect for my mother it is unreal, the way she always let me make my own decisions and learn for myself and from my mistakes :)  

  6. you wrote to much i got lost, sorry

  7. nope

  8. she sounds like a good mother to me. free will will teach her how to handle things herself like a taste of the real world

  9. I think that at 16 you do have to have trust in your children. In a year or two they will be leaving for college. I feel that if you don't trust them then they will rebel and the end result will be much worse. If the communication lines are open between them then I would do it.

    I like the way that she responded to her about when she badmouthed her. I think that was very good thinking and I'm sure that it hit her daughters head harder that way then just grounding her.  

  10. I think that there is a fine line between allowing a teenager to make their own decisions and being a responsible parent. A responsible parent would not allow a teenager to go to an unsupervised party where alcohol is being served, this promotes teenage drinking, underage s*x and other things if the teen decides to make the 'wrong' decision.

  11. wow, she sounds like a good mom

    im serious lol

    im 14, but i would totally respect her!

    cause shes right, grounding doesnt solve anything, it makes it all worse

    and shes right about the whole credit thing too. my mom just expects me to do bad stuff, so i figure, why bother trying to be good?

    shes a great mom

    they all should be more like her.


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