
Do you argree or disagree with the governmemt wants to have a special tax on high calorie food? why or why not

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Do you argree or disagree with the governmemt wants to have a special tax on high calorie food? why or why not




  1. Totally disagree b/c you should be able to eat what you want w/out being "punished"'s your health.

  2. no most high calories foods are already expensive lol

  3. disagree

    that is pretty much all i eat lol

    and that is stupid

    its the same food but wit out the calorie or wit them

  4. I understand that they want to do something to get people to stop eating and purchasing high calorie foods, but there are other ways.  I think this is the wrong way of getting the message out.

  5. totally agree. they're trying to save us from some heart attacks. i know that not everything the government does is wise, but i really have to give this one a thumbs up.

  6. No that is rediculas you have to pay more to eat some more calories if they want to cut down on obesity try some smarter way.

  7. I think it is a ridiculous idea.  Who would decide what food would have the special tax?  Too much government intervention in our personal lives.

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