
Do you ask your waiter or waitress how they are doing?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I go out to a restaurant, my waiter or waitress asks how I am doing or how the group is. After I answer, I ask them and I get lots of surprised reactions. I always ask people how they are if they ask me, I thought that was the polite thing to do. Do you ask them how they are doing? Am I just weird this way?




  1. heyy i think youre nice!


    ppl will find it weird&off to ask the waiters hw theyre doing bt like as u said, in your situations,

    i dont find them weird at all.

    it's jz a rare thing thus making ppl shocked when it actually happens or sth xD

    &youre very polite!

    &youre nt weird at all ((:

  2. nope

  3. I don't, but It seems a nice thing to do.

  4. No you're not wierd. You're polite! If someone asks me I say fine thank you and yourself?

  5. I always ask How they are doing.  I also say please and thank you every time they bring me something or I ask them to bring something to me.  To me it's just good manners and I would want someone to say that to me.

  6. I usually say, fine, thank you and don't ask how the waiter or waitress is.  My husband will do this. Sometimes the person comes to our table while he tells them a joke. We've had some interesting conversations with servers.  I hope that they don't feel trapped because they could always say they have to check in the kitchen, etc. to get away.  Now that I think of it, I'll have him leave more than 15% if they stay around for the "entertainment."  LOL

  7. I will ask if it isn't awkward in the situation. For example, we live on a military base, so we have to stop and show our ID before entering. The person checking IDs will sometimes ask how we are quickly....but in those times, I don't ask in return, knowing that it is just them being polite, and there is a line of cars behind me. I tend to reciprocate when people add a "have a good day" type of comment, pretty much no matter what the circumstance. As for how are they doing? I will ask a waiter if they aren't too busy to respond. It is not weird. Weird that your friends think being polite in return is odd!

  8. Unless your server is a robot then you can naturally assume that they are a human being who has feelings and therefore it is quite normal to ask how they are doing.  Waiters DO have lives outside of the restaurant........

  9. I think the suprised look stems from the fact that servers usually say this without even thinking about it.  I used to be a waitress and asking "How are you doing" was pretty much the stock opening line followed immediately by "can I get you something to drink".  I think a lot of people are just programmed not to respond with sincerity to that question.  It shows what a sincere and polite person you are that you actually ask the person how they are doing in return.

  10. i always ask a service worker how they're doing just to brighten their day. In a world of hotel resturant business it is rare to be treated like a human that is why you get the crazy looks. keep doing what you are doing you will be the one to get the better service

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