
Do you audibly talk to yourself to concentrate during work/tasks/anything? ?

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Does it help? Someone said its a sign of intelligence, other's say its q***r.. What do you think?




  1. I do that all the time! I always talk myself through stuff like decisions or work. It just seems to help make more sense. I mean not like around a whole bunch of people or anything haha I just think it's a way for people to remember the progress they have made in figuring something out!

  2. i do it quite often; it help my memory recall and its kinda fun/de-stressing to hear yourself talk....... IMO..

  3. Since I do it, I think its a sign of intelligence. Actually, I just remember better and focus more when I hear things, so if I study it works better if I talk things out than if I just read them. I do it lots of other times too, I'm just an auditory person.

  4. I actually do carry on actual conversations with myself sometimes.

    Lol, my reasoning is that at least most of the time I agree with myself.

    When I don't, it gets a little dicey.

    I usually do it when I'm attempting to clarify my thoughts or finalize a decision.

    It helps me organize and eliminate "brain clutter.":)

    I think it's probably more a reflection of learning style than anything else.

    People are generally grouped into 3 main learning styles - visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (seeing, hearing, touching or feeling).  Most people have a combination of all three styles but one is usually predominant.

    Some people, however, have one style that is so dominant that they find it difficult to learn or retain information that is given to them through one of the other styles.

    This is why teachers use several different ways to teach the same information.  Think about elementary school- the teacher will sing songs using letters (auditory) - hold up flash cards or signs with letters in different colors (visual) and have the children write/draw the letters, maybe even make letters using glitter, sand, or pasta to create textures the kids can feel (kinesthetic).

    We tend to figure out what works best for us along the way, and for some of us, talking aloud helps -especially with certain things.

  5. There are some studies that say if you increase the variety of input into your brain when learning you will learn the material better and faster. In our occupational therapy sessions we had young patients with learning disorders write their sentences in a sandbox so they had motor and tactile input, and speak it so they had auditory input, etc.

      I don't think it is weird at all to speak your math problems or recite your poetry aloud. I use to talk out my chemistry problems in college. Now I don't use this technique all the time, but it can be very effective.

  6. Actually, i think i DO talk to myself during work tasks..

    and i talk to myself when im NOT doing work tasks..


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