
Do you automatically think pretty girls are mean? GIRLS ONLY PLEASE!?

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Do you as a person think when you see an attractive girl, that she is not a nice person?

Just wondering if anyone out there does this.




  1. No, I've known some beautiful  women who are very caring and sweet, I've also met some REAL ugly women that are absolutely nasty

  2. No, I don't judge people by their looks.

  3. No, I've never assumed that a girl was unkind just because she was pretty.  

  4. No, it's not always the case. They are people too. My best friend for the last 18 years is absolutely beautiful. We met in the ladies lounge where we used to work and I found her crying because she felt people weren't being nice to her. Since we worked with mostly women and I knew they were jealous and I really was kind of a loner at work we kind of got to be friends, and then really good friends. She has come through for me on many occasions as true friend. Her beauty has almost become a curse, she's used to getting anything she wants and whines that people don't tell her how gorgeous she is as much as they did in her youth. The only thing I have on her is a somewhat better figure. I have known other beautiful girls through work that were really sweet. And that must really pull the guys in, looks and sweetness. I honestly think it's better to be kind of moderately attractive.

  5. no,

    but i was so shocked when a friend of a friend was like

    " i saw you on campus and i was gonna try to talk to you, but i thought you were stuck up "

    he thought i was attractive, and thought i was mean.

    so i know guyss think that.

    but i personally, sometimes i do. after i see how they interact with others.

    if they are surrounded by girls with faces covered in makeup and dressed to go to party at school, and giving dirty looks to a passing girl in something not so ''in" i mark her off as a snob.

    you can tell when someone isnt nice.. the body language, their surroundings.. its never just based on their profile.

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