
Do you beive in ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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if they arnt real, then im insane.

er..yea..this was last night;_ylt=As3SNgUCyhUK5nFqd6vFzDvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071111165940AAlU9vi

im worried im nuts




  1. I do believe in them

  2. yes spirits are very real, and if you felt something, most likely it was a spirit,

    relating to your previous post

    your not nuts and it can be frightening

  3. i do beleive in spirits, and dont be scared, where did you see it, in your house?, if so, check out the history on the house, and if you are really interested buy an emf (electro magnetic feild) usualy if there are spirits you will get a high reading that cant be traced into any heat source or electir source, also check for random cold spots. most likely the ghost wont hurt you, u could also check out Taps they do that kind of stuff

  4. If you're nuts, honey, then cart me off to the psych ward, because not only do I believe in them, I talk to them. LOL

  5. no becouse then id have to believ in god

  6. OK yes I believe in ghosts. but as I read your other post, you said you have had a lot of depression and anxiety problems lately. I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical advice. But if your depressed and under a lot of stress then maybe you need to seek help. I know from my friends personal experience, that he began to see things and talking to things that were not there. He was hallucinating. none of us here can say for sure, but if this continues during depression episodes but not in a normal state of mind. the answer should be obvious.

  7. I don't think ghosts as autonomous entities are real. But I do think that people have real experiences that scare them, and these are often attributed to ghost activity. So you're not nuts, you're just someone who had a scary experience.

    I read your question, and without more information I can't really say conclusively what was going on. But the experience of being watched or having someone over your shoulder is very common, and put simply, it's just a mindgame we play on ourselves. But if that spooked you, and you started obsessing about spirits around you, etc., you really could have imagined a ghost surrounding you or hugging you. That's pretty much all it was, I'd say.

  8. yes i do i have never seen one though heard female a voice call my name once when there were no other females in the house at the time

  9. Yep!

  10. yes

  11. WAY

  12. yes i believe that there can be some spirits or ghosts who hang around places

  13. I don't cuz i can't see it.but my mom say she seen a ghost in my apartment which it freaked me out.she say the only thing you can do is ask it to go away and don't come don't be scared .it i seen it i would say it

  14. It's difficult to find "proof". Probably all we have is what people say they experience. Go  to "similar questions" on Y/A for lots of experiences. However, don't count on any psychiatrists believing you.

    EDIT...I don't believe "in " them...I believe "about" them..I know stuff happens. I'm not sure yet who or what it is.

  15. Nah,there's to many real "boogey men"around to worry about silly stuff.

  16. yes, i believe there are ghosts and spirits.  could be that a spirit was watching over you and decided to try and comfort you.  you should see a neurologist though to rule out any medical conditions.  i have seen and felt ghosts myself.  my house was haunted.

  17. Of course I do! If I didn't then my "dead" family members wouldn't be able to leave a spirit or a sign that he/she has been there!! SO I DO BELIEVE IN GHOSTS!!

  18. Yea, and lother dimesnoins too.

  19. I do not believe in ghosts.  I used to though.  I wanted to see one very badly.  Alas, none have come.  I choose to base my beliefs on evidence, rationality and reason so I am afraid the idea that supernatural residues of formerly living people tromping around is right out.  That being said, I don't automatically think anyone else who believes in them is crazy.

  20. Yes ghosts(aka spirits) exist.

    ghosts are passed on people who

    dont want to go to the otherside(heaven,


    You shouldnt have to worry,

    they are everywhere. they wont try to hurt you.

  21. yes, i've even petted a goat

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