
Do you beleieve in aliens? read details before responding?

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My science teacher even told us there are aliens. If you think about it there is a very small chance that we are the only planet with life in the entire universe. There has to at least one other planet that can support life out of over trillians of planets. It is highly unlikely that there is not another planet that is about the same distance from their own sun, and has an atmosphere.

It doesn't nesssarially mean that alieans are here, but there definatley are aliens. How could there not be. How could we be the only possible planet in the whole universe with life?

How do you explain area 51?

The ufo crash of 1947? Where do you think the ufo went? Area 51! If there was nothing to hide why would they hide it?




  1. NO! Because, I believe in GOD!

  2. Maybe the government is doing us a favor...keeping thing like this a secret.

  3. Do I believe in aliens?  Yes, it seems highly unlikely that earth is the only planet in the universe with life.

    Is it definately so?  No, we lack proof.

    Have they visited earth?  Unlikely, due to the time it would require for them to get here (keep in mind, Einstein's relativity and the universal speed limit).

    Area 51 & Roswell - both are (or are near) military installations where classified experiments and equipment are carried on.  Do you really want the Soviets, etc. knowing what the US military is up to?  In fact, the Roswell incident involved a new type of device the military was testing which would look for Soviet nuclear weapons testings.

    See the links below about Roswell and Area 51:

  4. You really can't make such a positive assertion aliens exist.  I agree that, given the number of potential solar systems, it is *highly* probable life exists elsewhere in the universe, but I have no evidence on which to base this assertion.  So I must state it's probable life exists elsewhere, not definite.

    Secondly, Area 51 is, as far as I know, a government research installation.  There is nothing more to it.  It's secret because they don't want to share their information.  This is the case at any government (or private) research facility.

    The likelihood of extra-terrestrial visitation is diametric to the probability of life elsewhere--the very vastness and multitude of stars making it possible for life elsewhere also makes it nearly impossible for our planet to be found by any other creatures, assuming they are able to surmount the difficulty traveling such vast distances.

    There was no UFO crash in 1947.  If you take the time to do the research you'll see how quickly the story unravels.  Start with this link:

  5. Are we alone in the universe?  I think it would be arrogance on our part to think we are alone.  I believe there are other beings out there.  Have they been here?  I don't know.  Although time and speed seems to be a factor for us, we don't know everything.  They could have the ability to cross the entire universe in seconds.  As far as Area 51.  There are many military bases in the world with the same security as Area 51.  This doesn't mean that there are aliens inside it.  The government has alot to hide.  Not just from us, but enemies.  Bear in mind that back in 1947, hear say and rumor were enough to take a small story, change it to something fantastic, and sell it to the world.  It could have happened the way it's been reported, or it could be gossip.  I doubt we'll ever know for sure.

  6. Most scientist acknowledge a high probability of life on other planets. Google the Drake Equation to see how this probability is calculated.

    However, if this life is intelligent (or what level of intelligence) is an open question. NASA is currently exploring the possibility of life on the Titan moon of Jupiter and on Mars. We are talking about microbes but this would qualify as alien life (extraterrestrials).

    Also, time is very vast civilizations can have developed and died off long before us and they may not raise to our intelligence until long after we are gone. Time is rarely considered in the universe is so vast it must contain life argument.

    The real disagreement is if aliens have yet visited Earth. Groups like SETI (link below) say no and groups like MUFON (link below) say yes.

    Area 51 is a top secret USAF facility that works on secret military aircraft. There is no good evidence (that I have seen) that would suggest that aliens or UFOs are in area 51. This is not to say they aren't just that the evidence isn't there which is what would you expect from secret military facilities.

    The Roswell crash of 1947 is very controversial but I would suggest both "Roswell: Cased Closed" by the USAF (link below) and "The Roswell Legacy" by Jesse Marcel Jr. (link below) both and then make up your own mind.

  7. I believe strongly in the existence of extraterrestrial life because of the research that I've done on it and because of the many UFO sightings which I have had over the years, most of which I concluded could have only been extraterrestrial craft.

  8. It is likely that there is life elsewhere in the galaxy for the reasons you listed and others; however, it is unlikely that we are being visited (or have ever been visited).

    Area 51 is a place where they do top secret research and testing. Since the work there is top secret, they have plenty to hide. Why do you assume it has anything to do with aliens?

  9. Absolutely, I believe there is life out there.  And I believe they have indeed visited here.  You see, not only is true that there are millions of other planets out there, but many of those planets are older than ours.  It only stands to reason such planets with life on them would have lifeforms that are more evolved than we are--they've had more time.  Now why they're coming here, of all places, I wouldn't know.  We are an interesting species--such a mass of contridictions yet somehow we still make it work--but not that interesting.  No, I believe that if we are being visited, more than curiousity impels the visitors.  

    But I could be wrong, too.  Oh, I still don't doubt there is life out there, and perhaps even intelligent life.  But there's still the problem of the incredible vastness of space.  I don't see how that can be overcome technologically.  Oh, I know all about wormholes and how they could be used, but I also know that we've still yet to produce one.  And I don't think we can--the expenditure of energy must be too vast.  I hope I'm wrong--I'd love to see a true space age open up for humanity.

    But I'll tell you what does upset me; our own government lying to us.  Keeping secrets from us is one thing; I agree sometimes that's necessary.  But outright lying after the question is put to them--that's unacceptable.  And I'm not just talking about the questions of aliens and Area 51; I'm talking about ALL the lies we do know about.  That's what's so upsetting and troubling to me.  That's just plain evil.

  10. I (nor anyone else) can neither confirm nor deny the existence of other intelligent life forms on planets other than earth.

    Therefore, they may, or may not exist.

    But it is intriguing to think that they may.

  11. omfg, i'm a kid and i understand this logic. it's nearly IMPOSSIABLE for there not to be a planet like earth

    many stars like ours in our galexy alone

    many rocky planests orbiting thoes stars

    some of them MUST be large enough to hold an atmosphere

    who sais all life needs water? just cuz terran life does dossn't mean all life needs liquid water.

  12. well if this planet was the only one that has life then it would be an awful waist of space.

  13. there are aliens. we, to other life, are aliens. there is no way that there is only one planet OUT OF ALL THE BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF GALAXIES that contains life. think about it, when you do, you will see the grandness of space. space and matter - they go on forever. people say prove there are aliens, i say - "Prove that there are NOT!"

  14. I totally believe in aliens. I think it is very arrogant for us to assume that not only are we the only evolved beings in the universe, but that we are actually evolved at all. If you look at it we are actually quite a primitive group.

    I believe that there are vast universes of beings far superior to us in the most important ways.... mainly in a spiritual sense...

    We humans tend to put spirit last. We pretend that we don't with our churches and prayer, but in reality, we do. We rarely choose from our soul. We make all of our choices from our minds and bodies.This is what keeps us from truly evolving and creating peace. We make it about what we see & touch, instead of what we feel and know deep within.

    I won't go completely nuts here, but I will say this:

    Jesus was a master. Jesus was a highly evolved being and tried to share that gift by telling us that we too, could be as he was. That we ARE as he is and was. No one listened. Some persecuted him out of fear, and the one's that thought/think they believe, completely misunderstood, and misunderstand the message.

    You should check out the Conversations With God trilogy, I think you would not only enjoy it, but gain a really unique perspective which is actually already in line with the way you think.

    sorry I wrote you a book here...

  15. Your right, from a purely scientific and logical approach it is highly unlikely that there are no other forms of intelligent life in the universe. I have no idea if aliens have come to earth, but there is a pretty cool and strange website about aliens on earth. Just google wingmakers and you should find it. As for area 51 if they had nothing to hide they sure went about it in the wrong way. They managed to make everyone suspicious.

  16. The many things I have come across lead me to think that there has been contact for some years now, that contact is being controlled by a very small elite group of people, and that the aliens' agendas are not necessarily in the best interests of humankind overall.

    Some have postulated that here on Earth we are like "an experimental farm".  Thousands of people just disappear each year. Sure some can be explained away - s*x crimes & other murders, kidnapped and sold into slavery etc., but it seems to me that there are too many.

    What about the cattle that have been totally drained of blood, with no bloodstains on the ground? Some look like various organs have been surgically removed...

    Who is making all of those beautiful and remarkable crop circles? It is definitely not pranksters using boards and string. Examination of the grain stalks show that the nodes in the stalk have expanded on one side, causing them to all lay down in the same direction - possibly this might be accomplished using some form of microwave heating.

    Check out:

  17. I believe there could of been life before us and I highly believe there is life in another universe, but sadly we will never know. Or it might be a good thing if we never meet on or else they could be like those aliens from those movies, that eat you up.

  18. Yes, I do believe there must be life out there other than us.  

    I think we have been narrow minded as humans in believing we are the only living race in the universe.  Somehow the government will eventually have to admit to it.  

    It seems most people are now open to the fact there is some type of other life out there.

    I personally have witnessed a ufo fly above my neighbors house, it was the strangest looking thing.  It was shaped like a triangle, with three lights at each side of the bottom of the craft.  As I watched it, it began to go into a cloaking mode, it started to dissapear, it started to fade as I watched it.  The craft did not make a sound, it was as if it just floated by.  Weird....

  19. Thing is.....I think there was only one Mary & Joseph.

    In the Bible when telling of states Earth as singular and not plural.  So I doubt it.

    All the rest was put out there by God and he called them stars.

  20. I've read the answers to this question and I thought I'd add my 2 cents.

    I respects those of you who are devoted to their religion and their beliefs in God. That's great. But the question wasn't "do you believe in God?" Yes the Bible does state Earth as singular. There is only one. But if God is a force and giver of life and is everywhere, is it possible that beings on other planets, which we all agree is highly probable, worship the same God you worship?

    I explain area 51 like this. It is a Military base like any other. I've been in the Military myself and happen to know how Military instalations use security. Yes some bases are more open than otehrs but there is always a part of the instalation that is highly secure. The projects that take place at area 51 are highly guarded and top secret. yes they hide it from YOU. They don't do this to be sneaky or corrupt. they do this for OUR protection and the safety of the U.S. If the enemy knows what it happening and what we are working on, our defense capbilities are back to nothing! The enemy will know how to counter our new technologies making us vulnerable against a standing military (not terrorism, or terrorist tactics) YOU as a citizen do not need to know about these projects. YOU as a citizen will not be behind the wheel of one of there project when the time comes for it's use. and If we in the US all knew about teh stealth projects before they were used, the enemy would have also, and more American lives would have been lost durring the Gulf War.

    The Roswell Crash. It's possible it was ana alien spacecraft. But again, going back to my defence technology thing above, anything to get a 1 up on the enemy should be kept a secret. however more than likey it was not an alien space craft. The News and media in 47 were far from what it is today. There were not 5 network vans with 3 cameras each there 15 minutes before the paramedics. The reports were based on hearsay. The lack of MIlitary documentation? If it was a military project that involved some kind of secrecy like a high altitude balloon to detect ICBMs or other coutner nuclear technologies, You will not see this documentation.

    The government CAN and will lie if it is in the interest of keeping the U.S. safe for our future. However the government has recognized the UFO phenomena as credible. Check out Project Blue Book. THey had a interest in ivestigating it, but this doesn't mean they are secretly holding evidence of aliens. If they had it, there would have been no reason to open such a project.

    Even if they did come out and admit there are aliens out there and they have visited Earth, what would this do to all those who are faithfully devoted to God? How would this change our history.

    Think about that.

  21. I'm undecided about aliens. Certainly, if there was sentient life out there, why would they hide from us? Why wouldn't they come out about it? If their technology is so advanced that they can travel to visit our planet, it seems silly that they'd risk everything to travel here and then be super-top-secret about it.

    I do have a hard time believing our planet is the only planet with life on it. The universe is insurmountably huge. I think there might be something going on out there, but I really can't say I am convinced that they are even as far along as we are, technology-wise.

  22. First, I don't know. But I also do not believe that every government on the face of the earth is keeping a big secret about ETs.  Come on, we don't even talk to many of them, and they hate us. If our government was keeping a big secret then some other government would reveal it to make us look bad.

    We are alone,  I am not sure I believe that there are millions of starts with millions of planets.  First what does it matter if there are or there is not. Have nothing to do for me or against me. I say here it takes a lot of Faith to believe all that light year c**p, and  the millions stars and millions of planets. Sorry my faith ends some where closer to the earth.

    And if some day, ET comes a calling, and we see him, and know that this is a real event, and not a hoax. It will not affect my faith.  ETs have no influence on my Faith in God. NONE, if they exist, ok, no problem, no conflicts, if they dont exist, no problem, no conflicts.

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