
Do you beleieve that there should be a UNited Nations? Please tell why.?

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I need some opinions in my speech. Thanks for the help!! PLease answer! PLease! Thanks a bunch! :)




  1. There should be a UN because it keeps people off the streets. I mean those people in the UN, if they didn't have those jobs what would they be doing ?

  2. I believe there should be, but what we have right now is just like any political organization, and it's becoming quite corrupt!  There needs to be some organization that oversees it, somehow.

  3. Sure, the UN is pretty ineffectual, since (like in a confederacy) sovereignty is retained by the member states and the UN has no real power of enfocement, but I think it's good that we have it.

    First, it's a world forum where countries can come together to resolve issues, or to coordinate punitive actions against an offending country, or to send peacekeepers to a region where people are killing each other.  Even if the UN isn't terribly effective, it's better than nothing--remember, before World War I we didn't have *any*thing like it.  It's also an improvement over the old League of Nations.

  4. No they are a basis for the New World Order (look it up)

    The ignorant world is paying good money to help them take our homes & our freedom.

  5. yeah. without UN, there wouldnt be much peace and order in the world. the membering countries that are a part of UN cooperate and help each other's problems and there's PEACE between them.

    so without UN, i doubt there would be peace and order. back to world war i suppose?

  6. Should this have been put in another section as it has naught to do with royalty

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