
Do you beleive in Angels?

by Guest60114  |  earlier

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If you do, have you had any confirmation from them? Do you often ask them for help?

Thanks for all who answer:)

I'd be really interested to hear your stories




  1. Yes!! Angels are real. I have seen a few, not yet spoken to the ones who have helped me. I know an angel, she is a real angel, but she looks like any normal person. If you where not told she was an real angel, or couldn't sense it, then you would not know she is one.

    My first in counter with an angel was a few years ago. I had a demon attacking my dreams. The demon was giving me nightmares, so it could take my energy, that is how that type of demon feeds. I was told to pray and ask for help from an angel. I tried it, the next night just as the demon was going to attack again, I was woken up. I saw this brilliant light, the light was so bright, but it didn't light up the room. It just shone without shedding light. It was standing where that demon was, I have never been attacked by that demon ever again. It is a memory I will carry forever, and the one thing which keeps my beliefs strong in this ever changing world.

    If you need help and you call them, they will help you. But it can't be stupid reasons, like you need help in your test or something, it would need to be something you can't help yourself.

  2. I believe it depends on how you define angels.

    I believe that your loved ones that have passed on watch over you and guard you.

    My only experience was just after my aunt passed away. My cousin and I were in her hospital room to collect her belongings that had been left and our aunt appeared standing at the foot of the bed in her favourite slippers and dressing gown and she asked us to look after her children (our cousins) and to remember her, she also said that she would watch over us all.

    I believe that angels are what you define them to be. Angels can be any number of things but I do think that they watch over you.

  3. Depends how you define an angel.

    My mother passed away when i was 11days old and i've always believed she looks over me. I've had a few "dodgy" experiences in life and i wouldn't say i've prayed to her or asked her for help, because i'm not a religious person. But i have on many occassion asked her questions (not recieving answers, but it helps make up my mind). I hear she was a lovely woman and time so curelly took her.

    Apart from that when i was younger i experienced a woman sat on the end of my bed (nightmare? or dream? .. im unsure) who told me she will always be there for me.

    I deem my best friend and boyfriend angels. Simply because without them i would still be suffering in my life. They've pulled me through and supported me regardless of the situation. :)

  4. I believe in Angels because the Bible says they exist. And that's proof positive to me.

  5. I agree with Ianhad on the first part, not the last. Yes i do believe in angels.

  6. Yes, Criss Angel was on TV yesterday

  7. When I was about 20 years old,I was asleep in my bed, and I was woken by a knock on the downstairs door. As soon as I heard it, I was siezed by a sense of dread. I heard Louis, the lad next door shout down the stairs "who is it"?  A voice came back, saying "I am the Arcangel Gabriel, let me in!"  I tried to shout to Louis,"don't open the door!" but it was too late.

    I felt, rather than saw, a chittering dense mass come up the stairs,through my door, and settle upon me. At this point, I  tried to scream,and fight it off, but i could niether make any sound, or move. Whatever it was had total control of my body, and mind and all I could do was lie there, petrified, for what felt like weeks,until ,all of a sudden, it left me, in a cold sweat, and flew off up the chimney. I have studied Psychology, and I know about Lucid Dreaming, and I regularly experiance lucid dreaming, and believe me, this was not lucid dreaming. I know a lot of my answers on Y.A. take the p**s a bit, but this truly was an occult manifestation. I  believe to this day (I am now 42 ),that this was the Arcangel Gabriel , because any other order of being, would not dare declare itself as "The Arcangel Gabriel".

    Angels are nothing like they are depicted in books, all white,and shiny, they are a far older order of beings than us, and they truly are terriffying, Awesome in the truest sense of the word. Even though I felt no malice in its intent, I still feel fear to this day when I think about it.  

  8. According to the Old Testament, angels are the army of the lord. In other words they are soldiers, armed and dangerous. NOT pretty little things, this came about quite recently.

  9. angels are god's messengers and do not have a human form, but can appear so with wings, they are pure spirit and have never been earthbound, but as angels of the divine light they are here to guide us and we can call on them to help us. They are not the same as spirit guides or the deceased who have passed over into spirit, though of course they are usually the ones we contact. Apparently we all have a spirit guide - who may or may not have been on earth - who was assigned to us at birth and is always there to guide us through life. The angels are higher up the spiritual ladder than spirit guides but are always there to help. They are not malicious, the being acting as archangel gabriel was not that angel - there are evil spirits who try to trick us.  

  10. Of course I beilve in Angels, did you know that faeries are just like angels anyways I talked to both faeries and angels before i read Faerie Orcle Cards so I asked them for guideness sometimes.

  11. Yes.

    My living buddha guru was a christian. Once he travelled to Europe, by his third eye, he saw an angel guarding a church. A suicided priest got no entrance. He went in, get some holy water, spray on the dead priest's soul, the angel let the priest in. The angel was surprised to find that someone can see him.

    Well, priceless enough, from a buddhist.

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