
Do you beleive in UFOs ?

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how about life forms on other planets

why or why not

what makes you think we are the only beings in this mass universe




  1. I think there are aliens out there ever since i watched that move the McPherson's alien abductions when i was a child i been so scared of aliens. Now i have dreams about them and i watch Lot of shows about them. I get so scared i cant sleep or anythiing. I am scaring myself right now thinking about it. ughhhhh

  2. Yes,I see them two or three times a week.I am only able to identify the saucepans,they don't have much damage when they hit the wall but the plates and dishes are pretty much unidentifiable.She really should go for anger management.

  3. We may not be the only beings in this mass universe but this does not prove UFO existence on earth.

    Believing in UFO is like believing in ghosts, lots of stories but no concrete proves.

    By the way...debbiele (first answer), what does god say?

  4. Dan Sherman, "Above Black."

    "Galaxy Gate," Colton and Murro.

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet.

    "Casebook on Alternative Three," Jim Keith.

  5. no such thing as UFOs

    whoever is flying them knows what they are

  6. A scientist came up  formula that says there are a least 10'000 planets with life sustaining properties in the whole universe. Dude there are more Stars in the universe (not including planets and moons) than grains of sand on earth. There is intelligent life besides our own out there....but I'm sure we will never see them. s***w religion and God. People are naive and actually spend their lives worrying about getting into a Heaven or a h**l.

    PS- Water (ice) was just discovered on Mars. What thrives in organism's.

  7. It's more than a bit conceited to think that in all of space, we are the only beings that exist. So yeah, I do think life on other planets is possible.  

  8. Kind of hard to deny countless sightings, many of which have been well documented in the last approximate 150 years.

    Obviously with so many planets, we can't be alone.

  9. i believe in god, and what he says.

  10. I don't understand what's there not to believe about UFOs... it's an unidentified flying object, which of course would have appeared at some point in human history (I doubt we always knew the name of every single thing that appeared in the sky)... there's really no believing/not believing, it's just there lol.

    Life forms on other planets? Very possible, but they're probably on some faraway undiscovered planet that we can't reach yet. And it's a stretch to think that they've reached specialized civilization proportions - they might be just little amoeba or bacterial creatures on a small moon somewhere.

    I don't think we're the only ones out there :) Because if we're here, then there's no reason that other life forms shouldn't be "out there" too.

  11. It would be bloody ignorant and self-centred NOT to believe that there are life forms on other planets? For each grain of sand on eart, there are a million stars (suns!) each having the planets(or the potential for) like ours cirling it, and each planet potentially having moons as ours do!

    Or are we going to be silly and revert back to the days when the Bible stated that the Earth was the centre of the Universe? That we were 'God's only children' and the sun travelled around the earth?

    I don't believe that UFO's of extra-terrestrial origin have visited us, but there is something to the fact that the British and US Gov'ts have just sidelined multi billions of pounds to 'listen' for radio, or digital waves from outer space! Whilst completely ruling out the fact that it would be of any use to us!!  

  12. I do, but I have yet to see one :)

  13. If you see a hot air balloon, or mars, but you are unsure of what you are witnessing, it's a unidentified flying object. Saying you don't believe in UFOs is like saying you don't believe in a car in a parking lot just because you don't know the make of it. It's a term to describe what we cannot identify, and it does not automatically mean aliens.

  14. UFO is so abstract.

    Life forms on other planets are now a proven fact.

    I get the giggles when I see people who still believe in God (the creation). I would think that 65 million years of dinosaurs disproves that hairbrain theory.

  15. Yeah, we are not alone.

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