
Do you beleive in ghosts, if so have you seen them before?

by  |  earlier

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Just asking i think this is a very interesting topic





  1. Yes, and Yes.  I saw one 20yrs ago and since then I sleep with the light on.  I have an 8yr old son who has a speech impairment so he does not talk in sentences but does say some words.  Since he was a baby, he always seemed to communicate with someone.  When he was 5yrs old we moved into the house we live in now.  Everything was fine and we noticed no more communication.  One day when I took him out of the tub and sat him on my bed, which faced the hallway, he gasped with such excitement and he pointed and said, "ma".  Well it freaked me out but didn;t think much of it, then one day he saw a pic of my husbands late mother (she passed when he was a little boy) and he pointed and said, "ma".  He told us that she goes into his room when he is asleep to play with him.  Today, my husband took a picture of my son wearing a batman costume, and you can see the costume but no pic of my son, as my husband was showing me how weird this pic was, I took a good look and you can see a clear picture of  a mans face, it's like it popped out at me.  Seriously I freaked at first, but as I looked at the picture again it was almost soothing to me. The mans face takes up most of the picture, and you can see the eyes, nose and even a mustache, just writing about it gives me the chills.

  2. I definitely believe and I have had an experience.  Without too much detail as it is certainly personal, I described this "ghost" that I saw in detail to my mother (it was many, many years ago when I was young) and her jaw dropped as she said, "That's my daddy!"  I had only known him in his older years, of course, but his spirit came back to visit and he was somewhere in his 30's.  He could move things around and you could see footsteps going along the carpet.  We could also smell his pipe from time to time but could not see smoke.  He was a pleasant spirit!

  3. I do believe in ghosts -- although I have never actually seen one, I have felt their presence.  In our old house, we have one door that is absolutely perfectly level, however, even when it is closed tightly, it will open itself and you often feel very cold air for just a second or two and then it is warm again.  Also I will sometimes be in the kitchen and it feels as if someone is breathing down my neck and I am the only one home.  I have been told by a Native American Shamin that I do have a spirit who is with me at all times and watches over me.  She described the spirit and it was that of my maternal Grandma. I was astonished at how thoroughly she described her without me giving her any acknowledgement of her description.

  4. i hear my pool table being played occassionally when everyones asleep! not fudging joking! recommend me some advice on how to communicate!

  5. i seen ghosts in my house!!!!!!

  6. Ghosts, a serious topic for some, others simply use the topic for social status. They are real if only in our hearts and minds. Our past and present portrait of what they mean are exclusive. I personally live with many [subjects], spectors, appearing to my face. They are real in my mind and my mind tells me, logic is the REALITY. If I see it, and I feel it, they are mine. Simply those whom reach out for more, to us. Never be afraid of visions or visitors.

  7. I m believing in ghosts.

    but I never seen it before,

    I also every interesting can meet with them :P

  8. i believe in ghosts. once when i was 11 i went to camp. We had this talent quest thing. then when the music was turned off and it was time to go to our cabins and go to sleep i turned off the lights. when everyone was a sleep i woke up because someone was snoring. i couldent see because it was real dark. i saw a dark masterious figure it went inside where we were doing our talent quest thing. we ha left the sterio there. all of a sudden the sterio turned on at max power and it woke everyone up. all the boys and girls rushed outside (slowly because they where all sleepy) but no one was there. the teacheers came and they turned it off no one knew how this had happened! we went back to our cabins and no one spoke of it again. it was to freaky to speak about it. to scary.

  9. Yes I do believe in ghosts, I haven't had the opportunity to see them as such, but there were times when I could feel their presence... sudden goosebumps, strange things that turn on and off on its own accord without me touching it... usually TV, HI FIs, and sometimes when lights flicker when I'm alone or with my partner. And sometimes you sense when they mean you no harm, which is what I've experienced so far...

  10. I believe I saw a ghost/spirit or something once. I was sitting in my living area which was upstairs and looking out across fields and I could something moving across the wall behind me reflected in the window. Scared me anyway...

    I always had the strangest dreams living in that place too. Always felt like I as being watched while I was asleep. It was a very old listed building.

  11. yes...I have seen a ghost...and i ran for my life...really this is true

  12. i dont, but my family does.

    Is just like God, god is for weak people, anyway thats another topic.

  13. I think it's interesting too!  Years ago when I was talking with my mother in the kitchen of the house where I grew up, I could've sworn that I saw my grandmother (her mother, who died in the house) walked from the hallway to the living room.  I remember that like it was yesterday!  It was very vivid.

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