
Do you beleive in paranormal activity?

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im not i strong beleiver but i do believe there are unexplained mystories out there




  1. i never gave it much thought,till the passing of my mother.since then in 2002,all but one of her kids have had nothing but bad luck,and i mean real bad. her baby has gotten 2 scratchers worth thousands,and the rest of us,have had something very very costly happen. when my father looked into this,he was told that she was not done here. she was a very greedy person,and if she couldnt have it,no one was gonna get it! (that included her kids!) my brothers and sisters have talked,and have had alot of similar problems. the way she died, makes me wonder if an angry person go s to there grave,than yes it may be possible to wreak havock till there ready to pass on?

  2. ya, i do think some paranormal experiences r true, but most of them are our minds turning fear into ghosts.

  3. yes i do.

    i never had anything paranormal happen to me

    but my brother and sister have.

  4. I am not sure. that is why i am here.

  5. yep

  6. Of course there is...many things were to naive to see..but HOW are you GREATWHITE?

  7. no. I think a person, myself included can talk themselves into believing that horse manure.

  8. Yes (but of course, what is "normal?")


  10. Yes, but later there is a bad tendency - to combine technik means with natural psi-skills and very harmful artificial psi-connections are installed by such manner.

    Many things are manipulated to serve different purposes.Thats why paranormal activity could be divided to :natural and artificial, as in everything in our life..

  11. yes there is paranormal activity all around.

  12. i had some wired expenses in the house  i grow up in that one might say were paranormal. so i haft to say yes to your Question..

  13. Of course I do. That which is paranormal is simply something which we cannot explain... yet. Science has yielded a vast knowledge of our planet, universe, bodies and even minds, but we are nowhere close to understand it all. Moreover, one of the least understood elements is our own existence and our own perception of the world. We realize that our perception does not present us the world as it is absolutely, indeed such an idea may not even have any meaning.

    Paranormal experiences will inevitably be explained at some point, whether the reason is a sophisticated version of 'your mind is playing tricks on you' or 'ghosts really exist' -- and they will stop being paranormal.

    For those who think bad luck is the result of paranormal experience due to someone's death, they are in dire need of both a course in statistics and probability, and a psychiatric counseling. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or don't -- it's your choice.

  14. yes, I believe.

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