
Do you beleive in "having to do something"?

by Guest56424  |  earlier

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Like u have no choice?

Cz u always have a choice, even if that choice meant doing it or else u'll die, it is a choice




  1. It can depend on your goals or dreams to.  There is always a choice even when it seems like there isn't.  You could just as easily give up and sit down or do what you feel there is no other option to get through so that option is always a possibility that many will not choose because someones livelihood or well being may be at stake so you just do what is needed to move beyond that bad moment.  In anything that we pursue you have a choice.  It comes down to the outcome you want vs. the risk you must take to get there.

  2. You always have a choice...I tell my kids that all the time, it's like when I ask them nicely : "You have 2 choices: 1.Go clean out your room, 2- get spanked" that's a is full of choices

  3. my child, one day when you are my age you'll realize that life will sometime put you in places where there are no choices, no options, no going back, so you say: "yes, life" and you roll your sleeves up and you soldier on like a good little girl

  4. Yep ! It's the reason I get out of bed each day...if you are going to split hairs you could say that I could choose to stay in bed but in reality that would be a cop out !

    Life is about's about sometimes having to do things we would rather choose not to do but have to ! It's called accepting responsibility for ourselves & sometimes for others .

    Life ultimately is for living & that means doing !

  5. i believe more in not having to do the same! life is full of choices we just should know where we are, to decide the choices

  6. Yes...sometimes it happens, but not bcoz they arent choices....but bcoz the choices were just like that.

    Choices not always are nice and easy.......sometimes u have to chose between 2 or more things that you dont like.

    That is called......Life

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