
Do you beleive we are (Humans) Animals, Created or just Special?

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I dont believe but know we are just Animals

Humans are Apes with inherited culture.

Inherited culture is everything we have which makes us think we are special when in reality its a collection of instincts, survival measures, knowledge, trial and errors, discovery's, inventions which we have gained in the last 160,000 years.

But did you know there is a certain time a human can develop this inheretid culture and if not done during that period of their life they will never learn and will just be humans in their original state as animals with no culture

Put a child from birth in total isolation for their first years they will grow up never to learn language emotions even never be able to think hence never become on of us but just a human with no culture .


But this girl was not in total isolation so she gained some human aspects otherwise she has remained mute to this day.

So we are Animals people we are still Apes just because you can think we have religions and people who ''think' they are not animals and that we are above even.

Otherwise if you believe we are not animals

How are we not animals and how can we be possibly created or special with these drawbacks?




  1. The assumption that we are the only species with culture is patently untrue (tfor more information read So the simple answer to your question is no we are not unique we are just clever monkeys.

  2. "Oh, and to the people who say that we are animals. Let me tell you something. You might be an animal, but I am certainly not. If you believe you are an animal, then you really are one."



    that made me laugh

    yes i am one, its not an insult, its a fact

    its only an insult to those who cant accept and admit it

    not to those who can silly

  3. I am sorry, but we are not animals that evolved from apes

    you can be here a million years from now and there still will be no change in humans, we will never evolve again, because we came into this world as human, and we will go out as humans

  4. We were created special but subject to God's command hence punishable.

  5. I agree with your view. You're simply posting evidence for social evolution, something as important as species evolution.

    We are animals. Anyone who disagrees, just look at your own actions. I know that things I do are instinct or natural social behaviour.

    To add to your evidence, children growing up together in isolation develop a unique language. It even applies to deaf children. In the late 1970s during the Nicaraguan Civil War, the situation became so unpleasant that some teachers at a geographically isolated school for the deaf abandoned the students. These children fended for themselves for about two years and during that time they developed a unique sign language, complete with its own grammar.

    The events in Nicaragua are used by psychologists as evidence that language skills are an inherent part of being human.

  6. Yes, we are apes.

  7. animals operate on instinct..we are animals who have a conscience and a soul..kinda makes us more brutal they kill for food and some of us kill for sport.

  8. i think we are creatures but just advanced. genie is different because she was tourtured for the first 13 years of her life she was purposely treated like a animal by her father. you can condition a human to do any thing kill, kill themselves, hate a race, hate a monkey. anything. the mind is so bendable and cognitive that its easy to minupulate someone. do you believe everything you hear cuz i sure dont. everyday something that we thought was true gets proven false. just like your monkey theory its a "theory" or the "darwin theory". if that is true then how did monkeys come about? biologist belive we evlolved from little bacteria or microorganism millions of years back? but then what a minute where did the microorganisms come from.? that is why ppl have religion. and science can only go so far when it comes to explaining human existance. evolution wise i sure do think those cave men looked like monkey type things. i think we keep evolving and one day we will become what we presently call aliens (intelligent beings). we will have large heads and brains and small fragile bodies. we will be toooo smart.

    in a million years alien type beings will be looking back like i cant believe we evolved from humans we are so superior to

  9. humans are animals, and it is not a matter of belief

  10. we have all the symptoms of animalia

  11. we are animals that have evolved from apes FACT non of u religious nutters can say a thing!!

  12. Humans are just animals, but we are not Apes, nor are we evolved from Apes, we just have a common ancestry with Apes.

  13. Well, Animals live together. And they cannot speak. God taught Adam how to speak (i.e the names of things), we are who we are because of family, Adam was taught by God, Adam taught his chlidren, his children taught their children e.t.c, you see what I mean, this knowledge has been passed down. God only taught humans how to speak because our brains are complex enough for this task. The brains of animals are not complex enough for this, teach an animal all your life, it will not learn a thing. You will be wasting your time.

    Let me tell you something, the reason we are superior to animals is because we have an extraordinary mind. Out of all the creation, we are the only visible ones who have a brain which can do more than just survive. Humans have reached the moon for Gods sake! Animals only exist for our benefit. I mean, what do they do that is important other than provide us with meat, milk, transport e.t.c? They eat, sleep, p**p and f*ck. Nothing more.

    Us humans have the ability to advance our species, we still haven't reached our full potential. Whereas animals reach their full potential when they reach adulthood. But our true purpose of living is to worship God, nothing else. If you think you will not be judged, you are living in delusion and will be disappointed in the herafter. Do you really think that you could do as you please and that nobody is watching you? This is extremely arrogant and naive.

    Oh, and to the people who say that we are animals. Let me tell you something. You might be an animal, but I am certainly not. If you believe you are an animal, then you really are one.

  14. Life as Human is a great blessing and special.

    We can identify with the divine while still in a body that is only available to humanity.

  15. we are rational animals

    believe it or not

  16. Has a lion ever wrote a symphony. A human has. Have gorillas created skyscrapers? Humans have. I think the dolphins may have designed and created the Titantic. No, I'm sorry, humans designed and created it. When a shark kills another animal, do the animals get together in a courtroom? Are there animal judges, presidents or prime ministers? Do animals make movies and discuss dreams and answer complicated questions? If we are animals, then no one should be punished. Animals do not go to prison. Animals get away with murder. If we are animals, we should not wear clothes. Animals do not wear clothes. Are they ashamed of being naked? Do the fish order pizza from dominoes? Humans were created with a special and unique purpose. They were created to give God glory, and animals were created under man to be used by man. We eat animals, we kill them for clothes, tools, appliances. Do I need to go further?  

  17. Conscience is not something we are born with.  Left on our own, we would do what works without regard for morality.  Conscience is a cultural adaptation that allows society to function as a whole.  

    Of course we are animals, and the only thing special about us is that we have evolved the capability to construct lots of things.  And we have pretty much removed the ability to evolve, since we protect the species from things which would eliminate those organisms which would normally die out before breeding.  But a time is coming when we will no longer be able to do that, so we may again begin evolving.  None of us will be alive to see it, though.

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