
Do you believe, & WHY (4-6 SENTENCES PLEASE) in general, most of us attribute patterns of gender to...?

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biology (biological determinism) or social context (gender socialization).

BIOLOGY- Biological Determinism: is the hypothesis that biological factors such as an organism's individual genes (as opposed to social or environmental factors) completely determine how a system behaves or changes over time.

Consider certain human behaviors, such as having a particular taste in music, committing murder, or writing poetry. A biological determinist would look only at innate factors, such as genetic makeup, in deciding whether or not a given person would exhibit these behaviors. They would ignore non-innate factors, such as social customs and expectations, education, and physical environment.

SOCIAL- Gender socialization: Gender socialization refers to the learning of behavior and attitudes considered appropriate for a given s*x. Boys learn to be boys and girls learn to be girls. This "learning" happens by way of many different agents of socialization. (Family, school, peer groups)




  1. I think it's possible that gender (masculine and feminine) exists independent of s*x (male or female).  That would mean that a man could be born with 'feminine' traits, and vice versa.  That is all biological, but it's society that decides (decided) what constitutes 'masculine' or 'feminine' traits.

  2. Anyone who thinks we are entirely either one or the other (determined solely by biology, or entirely by social factors) is utterly clueless.

    Clearly, both aspects shape who we are.

    I don't know what "most of us" attribute things to. Nor do I much care....

  3. This is similar, if not equivalent to the nature/nurture debate, but is simply referring to gender.  I personally believe that there are innate tendencies associated with gender; although these tendencies are manifested or filtered differently through the environment.  In other words, there may be gender related predispositions, but these dispositions interact with the environment (values, family, culture, etc) in order to produce different behavioral outcomes.

  4. I've found that most people attribute many gender attributes to biology despite evidence that those particular attributes were probably learned. They start grooming their kids from babyhood to be stereotypically male or female, depending on how rigid their own perceptions of gender roles/attributes are. I don't think most people have a deep awareness of how gender is learned, and they're content with accepting norms.

    On the other hand I think that there are some aspects of each individual that are biologically based and were not shaped by their environment. Whether we consider those things "male" or "female" is still a social construct, but some of these may be more commonly found in individuals who are biologically female or male.

  5. OK now that I am not so close to the  desk i Will try to summarize this  because  you sound like a  learned person  as . I am not a Biologist so I have  a  few  minor problems  with Bio determinism.

    However Social determinism is  what you are  meant for doing what you Will be  doing and  why this is  even an issue.

    Social determinism can and  probably is in Hind sight  because  you  Will say in the  future "Wow" everything  seems  to be making  sense of  why i am here  What I will be  doing I'm  life  and  where I  Will place  myself within a specific Field  or art or  whatever you think you may  be in  the  future  but  you have  not  made  the  periodical or deterministic fact in the future. Or for site(sp). psycho-determinism is much the same way but It is shaped around ones environment and the environment  is  the  determinant not  the  person.

    So social determinism is  a person molding  there  future  while physio determinism is  the environment molding you? I have no idea about Bio but I am  a psychologist (not  a counselor ) and  an anti skinnarian behaviorist

    "Bio determinism I had thought I took ax stab at it but It looks as I didn't  Is what the  s*x roles  you play within the  environment..

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