
Do you believe Africa is the Cradle of Humankind??

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Tending to the topic of evolution, which hypothesis you believe is more believable or more evidence has been acquired for...The Out-of-Africa Hypothesis or the Mutlti-Regional Hypothesis...i specifically did not give the meanings of these hypothesis, because I would prefer that only experts join in on this discourse!! thank you =)




  1. Neither. There's a third called the 'weak Eden' theory. It's basically that most of our ancestry is from an African expansion wave, but we interbred on a low level with Neanderthals and Homo Erectus.

    This is supported by at least four DNA studies, that have genes that can't possibly be from a single African origin. Two X chromosome studies, one on the MCPH1 gene (can't remember the last). This link has the ones I could find, and a short version of a very long article pointing out Neanderthal features in modern humans by an anthropologist who thinks the 'Out of Africa' theory is deadder than a dodo.


    It's also very easy to loose mitochondrial and Y chromosome DNA lineages. This is a link to a very long item about how they've varied in Europe, some very common Cro Magnon lineages are now very rare. So the 'we did'nt find Neanderthal Mt DNA' is pretty meaningless. It's also a mistake to think they are neutral markers, as studies of other animals have shown natural selection at work on Mt DNA. The Y chromosome is also functional and prone to natural selection.


    Not to mention that Mt DNA not descended from Mt Eve was found in Mungo man (Aborigine), it was very ancient and would have been closer to a Neanderthals than ours.


    The 'Out of Africa' theory isn't as popular among anthropologists as people think. It's real weakness is it only takes one stray gene to prove it wrong, and four have been found so far.

  2. The oldest human remains in the world have been found in ethiopia. The crania of two adults and a child, all dated to be around 160,000 years old, were pulled out of sediments near a village called Herto in the Afar region in the east of the country.

    They are described as the oldest known fossils of modern humans, or Homo sapiens. Rather than Homo erectus, Neanderthals and other non humans.

  3. There were two creations.. one with Christ Immanuel as the savior .. the other was cave man or nethernoial man.....natural Man been on the earth for tens of thousands of years.. Blessing..

  4. I believe the multi-regional hypothesis is much more plausible but I don't think Asians came from Homo erectus and Europeans from Neanderthals.  That portion of the theory is obvious nonsense.  There are new human fossils in Europe over a million years old from Spain.  There are 1.8 million year old Homo Georgicus from Georgia, near the Europe Asia boundary.  There are plenty of site with mountains of evidence showing that humans lived out of Africa for millions of years.  The oldest of our species is found in Africa but that is very unreliable evidence to be certain we developed there.  A better explanation in my opinion is that humans evolved in Asia, Africa, and Europe simultaneously.  Those populations that developed physical or cultural characteristics that were advantageous spread to other regions.  At the same time, environmental pressures acted on the populations favoring certain characteristics in certain environments, such as dark skin in tropical environments.  We remained the same species yet retained regional differences based on various climates and environments.

  5. Although i agree that the earliest forms of civilization began in africa i don't believe it the be the cradle of humankind, i believe it is in the fertile crescent (which is modern day middle east).

  6. The evidence for Out-of Africa is vast.

  7. yes

  8. Khoisan - Hold the oldest DNA oldest way of life oldest language in the human race. They our how the first homo sapiens looked like (All our ancestors)-

    Pygmys are only found in Africa and show similarities with native east Asians (First inhabitants)

    African Pygmy

    East Asian native (First & oldest inhabitents)





    Do they look more asian or African to you they look both but look very similar to pygmys only found in central Africa? How did they get there? Well its shows you proof of Homo sapien migration out of Africa.

    The group which didnt migrate stayed in Africa (Oldest Homo sapien group)-

    The group which migrated the furtherest to the Americas (Youngest Homo sapien group)-

    Yet they live far apart very distant related yet they do share many features we are all African.

    Khoisan & Pygmys are the oldest groups of people in this world both their features individually can be found around the world.

    Khoisan- descendants can be found Worldwide

    Pygmys- descendants can be found Central, East & South Africa, Eastern Asia & Australasia.

    Those are really the only two races of this world and our both native to Africa.

    We our descendants of a group no bigger than 1,000 who survived almost extinction in that 1,000 were most likely in separate locations the Pygmys and Khoisan. Pygmys were first to migrate out of Africa through Asia and ended in Australia but the Khoisan learnt something which would make them dominate the world today, agriculture with this they also migrated out of Africa and displaced any regions where pygmys were first was west Asia to East Asia then middle east, While another group crossed the bering strait to the Americas another migrated to Europe almost simultaneously.

  9. I believe that there were several "Cradles" of humankind, in different places, and at different times...

    Certainly, the earliest ones were in Africa, for sure, and the later ones in Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley and the Nile Valley.

    However also, perhaps, there is mounting evidence that the Black Sea Basin which was a freshwater lake until 7,000 years ago, was a farming "cradle" where Caucasians "developed" from the period 50,000 until 7,000 years ago!

    There also could be others, in other places, that we will never never know about, and the genetic bottleneck which we passed through, due to the Mt. Toba volcanic explosion 74,000 years ago. in Indonesia, which caused a "nuclear winter", wittled down the worlwide hominin population to an estimated 2-10,000, which is why we are, in essence, all distant cousins today!

  10. I think there is more evidence supporting that man-kind evolved out of Africa, but I don't completely agree with the geological expansion based on the skull  or skeletal findings throughout the world. It's just a more limited theory in my opinion, and I'm not entirely convinced of either one, but I still support the biblical version, so i suppose I'm biased.

  11. the oldest human remains are found there

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