
Do you believe Atkins diet is healthy?

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Do you believe the new study that says Atkins diet is healthier for you than the low fat diet or do you think it's a scam?




  1. it works, a lady from my church did it and she lost tons of weight. but that doesn't mean it's not discussting.

  2. Atkins diet would be extremely unhealthy.

    What is the point of losing weight, if that diet puts pressure on your heart and blocks your arteries from consuming too much fat.

    Not to mention, raising your cholesterol levels in the process.


  3. if you saw the same report I did, it did NOT say healthier.  It said that it made you lose weight faster than other diets, but definitely not healthier.   just to clarify.  And it was true that according to that study, atkins can make you lose weight faster.

  4. its healthy enough, my dad did it lost weight and kept it off and is fine

  5. The Atkins diet cannot be healthy for you, esp since the main point is to avoid carbs altogether.  You need good carbs in your diet every day, just like you need good proteins, and fats.  A healthy diet is a balanced diet...refer to the new food pyramid guide.

    The only reason why people lose so much "weight" on the Atkins diet is because the first thing your body does is use muscle mass to get what it needs to run because there are no carbs to breakdown for energy.  You lose muscle mass first....muscles weigh more than fat, therefore, you will see the scales drop tremendously.  Once, you start incorporating any kind of carbs into your diet, you will gain all that weight back.  Your body will start storing the carbs which breaks down into fat, instead of burning it correctly through the normal process.

  6. scam, there is proof that meat causes heart disease

  7. Well, whoever said it'd make you healthy. They said you'd lose weight, and yes you do. But of course there are consequences for eating that well and losing weight, and that'd be your health that gets hit severally.

  8. Atkins can't be healthy for you. You need everything, including carbohydrates to live and be healthy. Carbohydrates are the body's main energy source and you'll be tired all the time and feel weak if you get none of that energy. Also, Dr. Atkins died of heart failure, so I'd assume his diet isn't the best thing for you to do. All those new diets are only temporary, it's better to make permanent lifestyle changes like eating healthier foods and less junk and exercising more. That way, you'll lose the weight and keep it off. Good Luck  :)

  9. Of course its a scam! Any fad diet is a crash diet that may help you lose weight temporarily, but it is NOT healthy and won't work in the long run.  All those fad diets that were really popular like Atkins, South Beach diet, Weightwatchers, etc..DON'T WORK!

  10. Yes....but it isn't a matter of "BELIEVING" it's a SCIENTIFIC FACT and "ACCEPT" it.

    People will always argue and disagree because they don't want to admit being wrong.


  12. There are numerous other studies that show low-fat vegan diets are more beneficial than the Atkin's "diet."  

    In the article I read of this new study, it claimed that people who are on the high-protein, high-fat diet lowered their cholesterol more than the low-fat diet.  BUT, it said that the high-protein dieters were encouraged to eat vegetarian protein options...and they did.

    Basically, the Atkin's group benefitted from a high-protein, high-fat vegetarian diet.  Makes sense to me. This study is a long one (2 years) but that's just a drop in the bucket when you look at how long humans live.  It would be interesting to see follow-ups.

  13. Yes! If you do the research, the low carb diet is a quick and healthy way to lose weight. Like any other diet, it is a diet that you need to understand and following they way it is meant to be followed in order to be effective. Our bodies take the fat from our diets and store it, thus gaining weight, and then use the carbs we eat to use as the energy source for which to run on. What the Atkins diet does is to train the body to not run on carbs by using low carbs and thus making it burn the fat in our bodies for energy. That way the fat doesn't sit in our body and gets used instead of the carbs. Pretty simple to unerstand.

  14. Yeah, if you consider ketosis healthy. Do a google search and read about how Dr. Atkins died.

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