
Do you believe Casey Anthony is being released from jail AGAIN?

by  |  earlier

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You have GOT to be KIDDING me!!!! Out of jail again?? This vile woman should never again be allowed to see the light of day!! Why do these ignoramuses keep posting bail?? And when is her family gonna wise up and realize that she's a complete slime, who undoubtedly murdered her daughter?! Remember the 5 stages of grief? #1 is DENIAL!!!!!!




  1. I think they know they have to.  I think they are playing it to the hilt so they don't get accessory charges!  Why is the little girl's father's family doing something to help as well, dead or not you would think they would get really involved in this! That is why I think he was not the real father.

  2. I'm sorry, but the fool who posted bond is anonymous, so how could this be a publicity stunt if they don't want you to know who they are?  Leonard Padilla-now that's a publicity stunt.

  3. Agreed, she should stay in solitary confinement until she cracks with something about Caylee. This buffoons posting bond are doing it for the publicity in my opinion.

    I'm so frustrated with all this I don't even want to watch or hear anymore about it, I'd like to strangle this bi--h!

  4. Some feel her civil liberties have been violated. We all see that she should be in jail, but the fact ramains, they have to treat her as anyone in her situation who has commited the crimes, (THEY KNOW) of at the moment. If they haven't fully built her case up to prosecute yet, so be it, they clearly are making sure they have it all and are waiting until they do to proceed. These other charges are a tactic to make her hopefully break.  I think her parents are in denial and I don't blame them, facing the truth means facing the loss of not 1 but 2 loved ones. I also think that it is very evident where Casey has learned some of her in denial ways. It's all very sad for the baby. i just hope they find her very soon so she can be at peace and the mother can pay for her crimes.

  5. I am so (beep) pissed right now.  What the (beep) are they thinking?  Who the (beep) would put up the half a million dollars to get her out?!  Some nut job looking for publicity...anonymously?  And may I just take this opportunity to say that the media circus on the television right now is an absolute (beep) disgrace as far as I'm concerned,  I mean a (beep) helicopter following her home, giving us all a bird's eye view!  How obnoxious!  I would love to know who the (beep) is interrogating this stupid little woman?  Barney (beep) Fife?  I'd love ten minutes with this broad.  Just ten minutes. Oi, don't get me started!

  6. They are doing that to keep an eye on her and hope she makes a slip sooner or later which she is bound to do. Just a matter of time and they really want to find the body or at least find out what she did with the body, if, as some say, she dumped it in an alligator infested lake, then no way anything will be recovered so they need her to make a slip and tell someone the truth.

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