
Do you believe GM, Ford, or Chrysler will be able to accomplish a successful turn around?

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If you believe it's possible for these companies to accomplish this task then how do you think they might be able to? If they can't then how do you think this will impact Americans, seeing as how we wouldn't even manufacture our own cars, but would instead manufacture foreign cars.




  1. With the headlines saying GM might go bankrupt, I don't know. I believe Ford won't stand a chance because there are loads of people calling it found on road dead/fix or repair daily. Chrysler is seeing its minivan sales go down. All three of them produced the worst cars in the market in the 1980s and this is backfiring on them now.

  2. Yes, they will get through this, one or more of them may declare Chp.11 if the economy/oil and steel prices keep going up. Ford has enough consolidated stock ownership that it can go private if it has to. If it really hits the fan the government would bail-out Ford or GM it they had to. The only one in real danger is Chrysler, but if they can make it through the next couple of years until they can get more fuel-efficient cars on the road they will survive too. There are a few positives for the big three right now.  UAW contracts along with the sinking value of the dollar will help them keep down expenses and compete favorably on price, and make exporting more attractive. Buick is huge in China, and there is potential for growth in other foreign markets. The U.S. car makers just have to make it through the SUV hangover and they'll be alright, they may never catch back up to Toyota, but they'll be alright

  3. Not really. Their time as being the top automakers has passed. In the 1990s, these companies focused way too much on making large trucks and SUVs, apparently not realizing that the public's tastes in cars would change and not factoring in the fact that gas prices would rise in the future. There was a time when you didn't have much of a selection in domestic cars unless you wanted one of these vehicles. As a result, many people turned to foreign cars because they were better made and they had more of a selection of vehicles to choose from.

  4. none of them.

  5. Yes they will.  Worst comes to worst, they go bankrupt and restructure...if that happens they will still function they will just declare bankruptcy and not have to pay all their debts.  I have stock in both GM and Ford and I am just holding onto the two because I am almost positive they will both come back.  I am thinking within 2 years both will be back to where they were a year ago.   If you have some money to invest though, now would be the best time to do it because everything is low that if you hold onto it you can make some serious money within the next couple years.  The problem is that it is such a bad time for most people economically right now that people just don't have the money to invest...if you do, go for it.  You will thank me in a couple years.  Good luck.

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