
Do you believe Global Warming exists?

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I used to but with temperatures like these, it seems like it may not really be real, if the earth's temperature is going up, then why is it so cold here? I'm not sure whether it is or not but the evidence isn't as strong as they say it is.




  1. No one can predict the future.  No one who believes in global warming foresaw these amounts of snow or cold.  The fact is that they were guessing that we would see less snow as temperatures were supposed to increase.

    Anyone who tells you the Earth is warming is just taking a guess depending on who they believe.

  2. yes i believe global warming exists, just watch AL Gores movie.

  3. Al Gore the "peace" man. Says it does. He also invented the Internet.

  4. There are angry torch-wielding villagers who will storm your castle gates if you don't... Noone expected The Spanish Inquisition

  5. I do. Like hundreds of scientists who asked themself the same question.

  6. 1934 was just as warm as 2005.   The 60's were colder than the recorded average.

    The 'average' is based on recorded temps of the last, what 150 years...   4 billion year old planet, and 150 years is what to that...

    When we have 1% of 4 billion years worth of weather recorded, and all of the corresponding natural and man causes, then let's look at the data.

  7. If there is such a thing as Global Warming, then it is not something caused by us or something we can change.  

    It doesn't worry me in the least.

    AL GORE causes more global warming by traveling around in his fume spewing jets than thousands of us driving big cars to work and back.

  8. Yes and there's not a dam thing we should or can do about it.

  9. They think that we are burning more than our far share of the fossil fuels . They want to cripple this country. They base much of it on the CO2 produced. The plants compliment us by giving us back the oxygen and keeping the Corbin . Follow how the earth is recycling this Corbin . The plants also recycle our fossil fuels.

  10. I agree with worldwide concensus.

    The only thing that can convince the denialists is a century of time.

  11. I believe in global warming...every summer.  I don't believe in Global Warming as Al Gore says in LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS.  Kinda like Wasting Water....water we use goes down the drains...into the sewers, rivers the plants to be filtered and reused..or evaporates and rained down on us again.

  12. The evidence in favour of Global Warming is still very strong indeed. Look at the attached graph

    It took a long time to establish it beyond reasonable doubt and it would take a long time to reverse the trend.  Apart form the graph there is plenty of other evidence including changes in climate which is adversely affecting the ability of people to feed themselves, retreating glaciers and melting ice sheets. The one thing we can't mix up is the experience for a relatively short time in one place - however important - on earth.

  13. No becasue it is just a natural cycle man has nothing to do with it.

  14. That's called winter weather.  Global warming doesn't get rid of winter.

    It's not a matter of belief.  The fact of the matter is that the planet is warming, as you can see in this NASA data:

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