
Do you believe Global Warming is a myth?

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Do you believe Global Warming is a myth?




  1. watch the day after tomorrow and tell me what you think...

  2. Yes, it is a myth. Actually I was hoping for a little warmer temps. But this has been a VERY cold winter.

    You know life thrives in a green house and the cold kills. I like the green much better. h**l Canada will become the new corn belt!!!

  3. this question is asked on every page ,if you read those answers you would save 5 points and help combat global warming by using less electricity.

    ha ha

    Global Warming is true, there are Natural fazes but we are affecting that to a great extent ,with deforestation ,desertification and pollution., especially air pollution.

    A few weeks ago one of NASA's top scientists concluded that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free within five years, much faster than all previous predictions.

    when the north pole is gone , you may have polar bears soon in America ,looking for a home ,

    Calculations do not include the accumulative ,speeding up ,factor with time. the increase in water temperature will get faster all the time as well as the melting, when the ice is all gone the deeper cold Ocean currents will stop ,and the drag has gone with it ,also changing the higher warm currents,And only the moon will keep things moving

    This will affect coastal climates ,world wide ,almost instantly. All aquatic flora and fauna will be affected,many dying off and others becoming invasive,

    And recently In Chiapas ,and Tabasco in Mexico .more then a million people became homeless overnight with water coming up to their roofs ,because of rains from super evaporation from the forests,this had never happened before. Millions of animals died.

    In India 3000 people died because of super storms .

    .A few years ago in Europe 3500 people,died during a heat wave ,many of them in France .

    Right now the average death toll annually is 150.000 due to Global warming

    . these figures are already out of date and are expected to double soon.

    In Northern China millions of people are running for their lives because regular dust storms so far have buried 900 villages under the sand and the whole of northern China is turning into a dessert.

    The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year all around the edges ,like a slow burning fire shriveling up their neighbors In the Kalahari huge rivers have dried up and thousand of species are gone due to their habitats disappearing .

    The biggest changes are invisible at micro biotic levels species are becoming extinct ,others are multiplying ,

    This affects the insect populations that follow ,and changes in that ,affect all that follows in the food chains ,

    All life is interrelated of both flora and fauna, And since we are on the top of the food chain ,

    we are always the last to know.

    So Global warming has its toll there are incidents all over the world ,


    confusion rules the day ,i am beginning to think that SCIENCE HAS BEEN INVADED WITH POLITICS AND HUMAN EMOTIONS

    The truth is being distorted at high levels,

    And lies have been weaved in.

    Some of the real dangers are being hidden because there are no solutions , Public could panic.and Authorities would loose control .

    Besides Corporations have other priorities and changes will cause loss of profits ,this also affects the truths being published

    Others facts are exaggerated so that the phenomena can be used to milk the people.

    This is further complicated with Arrogance that will not admit that mankind could be guilty, or that Gods could be out of control ,unloving or incompetent

    But I do not think we can make a real difference anymore to change the tide.

    On a Global scale,Humanity is not co operative enough .

    The poor regions have other priorities such as daily survival.

    There is a lot we can do about being more responsible with what we got ,

    In the first world countries many do not care or are more interested in Global Control than Global Warming.

  4. h**l NO. theres too much proving it. Pray to god that it'll end soon.

  5. It's not as much a myth as a scam funded by large amounts of money with the intent to cripple prosperous economies and impose ridiculous taxes on every human activity under the pretense of saving the planet.

    It's been pretty successful.  Many very ignorant people believe it's caused by humans and will gladly restrict their activities and accept high taxes because they really believe it will save the polar bears.  I guess they don't know the polar bear population has been increasing since the 60's.

    NASA says the ice on the north pole is back to full capacity again, so perhaps the warming cycle is over for now.

    I was really hoping the warming period would last longer, but alas, we have no control over the climate.

  6. Yes I do.  It's just a mere idiotic theory that was born in the dillusional mind of Al Gore.   It's sad to me how many people buy into that crazy notion.   If global warming was real, then how come Ohio got a ton of snow the other day?  How come this winter was quite cold here in the northeast?  Very little snow we got, but still cold, some days only being in the twenties - why is that?

  7. not at all!

  8. Fiction like that should not be allowed to many people fall for it as real like when Orson Wells did War of the Worlds on radio and people thought it was real and went out and killed themselves. That is what Al Gore and his fiction reminds me of. People think it is real. So sad. People will believe anything.

  9. Global Warming is real.   That guy that lives in a twenty room, eight bath home in Nashville, Tennessee said it  is so.  His name;  Al Gore    Of course a few hundred years ago they were farming in Greenland, which is now a frozen wasteland.

  10. no, it is a scary story thats over

  11. No, I don't believe that global warming is a myth, and I don't believe that it is something that requires one to believe in (emphasis on the word believe) period.  Why is it that it has been posed as a controversial issue like teaching creationism in schools?  

    To all of you have some bone to pick with Al Gore, he is not the originator of the global warming "theory", he is merely the messenger.  Now, don't go killing him.  Knowing how controversial Al Gore is in the public's eye, I wish it had Brad Pitt or Angelina that had starred in, produced, won a Nobel Prize and an Emmy for  "An Inconvenient Truth".  No one seems to complain about the govenator speaking out and taking action on global warming topics.  

    But now, I wish to declare peace with all of those aGORaphobics out there, and speak of something more weighty... At least take a second to entertain the thoughts below before cursing me out and blocking me from your yahoo answers blog...  

    Imagine if we could turn this sluggish economy right around by starting a new economy based on renewable energy?  Hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans, we wouldn't have to go to war with Middle Eastern countries to secure "our" energy needs.  Healthy ecosystems=healthy people=healthy economy.  Think about it, all of these things depend on each other, and it all comes down to healthy ecosystems!!!  It is not too late, but we need to turn this thing around in the next 10 years or we are in for serious trouble.   I know it is extremely idealistic, but why couldn't it happen?  Wouldn't it be a better life for you and for your family if we focused on buying American goods and American produced renewable energy?  The only reason that it isn't happening is because of our oil-based economy, and all of the politicians who are *&^hole deep in oil $$$, republicans and democrats alike.  We need to stop this infighting and strive for something better.  I study extinction and ancient climates for a living, and what the press is failing to report is that we face sure and utter doom if we don't act now.

    If humans are as enlightened as we think we are, it is time to start showing it.   We sit here and spew our opinions on the internet, but what are we doing really?  Some of you might feel like you are helpless, that your voice and your actions don't matter, but it is a truism that change can only happen on a local and even individual level.  Don't let the oil companies dictate your life, control your own life!  

    Thank you for listening to me on my soapbox, I remain hopeful that humanity can do the right thing, but we can't wait much longer. Preventative medicine for the planet!  Why not?  You do it for your car and for your health, why not the health of the only habitable planet we know of?

  12. No global warming is only common sense.  If you introduced large quantities of man made materials to someone's body there body would start fighting against it (like natural disasters in the enviornment and water rising) and eventually die from not being able to fight any more. (I know our bodies are introduced to large quantities of bad things everyday and that's why so many people have illnesses) I was just trying to make a point.

  13. I love easy points.  


  14. yes i do

  15. NO! Not at all... I'm not doing anything to help the cause, but I do think about it from time to time.

  16. Yes. I don't believe all the 'evidence' that scientists and politicans try and convince us with.

  17. yes beacause so many facts prove its a crock of **** like greenland was actually green OMG when the vikings sailed there oh heres one the tundra has old pine forests under it so conclusion


  18. It may be happening, but we are not the cause of it. That end of it is politicians trying to make money and/or get (re)elected.

  19. no

  20. It's not a myth since the average temperature has been shown to be rising over the last years, but it is NOT caused by humans. It's a cycle, and there is nothing we can do about it, so I say we should just get on with our lives, and stop worrying about it.

  21. Absolutely, hasn't anyone noticed the changes in weather the last several years?  Being from the southern Pennsylvania/Maryland area where winter used to be a pronounced mix, the last few years have been much milder.

  22. a good chance the climate changes on its own and there are scientific records of when it has happened before

  23. Biggest myth since Nessie.

  24. I don't. I believe it's not a myth.

    Why don't we get as much snow nowadays than we use to?

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