
Do you believe God will keep his promise...?

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I found my "soulmate" when I was in 8th grade

I started dreaming about him in 9th grade

I am now a senior & have 1 year left to get him♥

I have had a few dreams come true that included him

But the major ones haven't came true for me yet

If they do I could possibly be getting married when I am 18.

If they don't I am going to be in the deepest hole of my life.

Seriously I will be depressed beyond belief because of hope.

I seriously want to have be his wife and know how it shall be done.

I seriously want to have his babies and know what their names will be.

I seriously want to be with him for the rest of my life & look in his eyes

& it's all based on my dreams & what I feel... also what God has said.

I know he is the one...I just get scared that it won't come true.

I do know that he is going to the same town as me...idk why....

He does know where I want to go to college from a friend of his...

It's all set up the way it should be. Once I get him my whole life

will be changing. My sister will come home from Texas. My mom

will get her husband. My sister will get married. Based on dreams.

So do you think it will come true... Will God keep his promise?




  1. No, God will not keep his promise because God works in mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways.

    Also, there is no God.  

  2. Are you serious here. You want to lay this all onto one person and you think that this is a good thing. I am thinking you have what is called the "Cinderella Complex" here. You need to lighten up on the dreams of grandeur here.

    Just live life and accept what comes your way. If you have dreams this big and they fail, you will just end up another fat chick living with their mother into their 40's. Hey tough love may be tough, but the other options are far worse.

  3. In all of your infomation, I don't see anywhere that God has "promised" this boy to you.  Dreams are more often than not DREAMS, and not prophecies.  I wouldn't count on it.

  4. You have to make it come true, not God.

    It's all up to you and what you do, you're not Gods doll.

  5. Of course

    Don't make a mistake or h**l it is, never ending life in h**l

  6. i think u should work on it to come true and if god sees u working hard he will help u and i think eventually it will come true. thought sometimes god gives tests in life that u should be prepared for. maybe god would want to make this as a life test. so if this doesnt come true dont be like god just didnt keep his promise so im not gonna believe in him thats bullshit aight.

  7. I hope not. You sound like you have a problematic obsessive nature. Besides..why would he listen to you and ignore millions of children starving, being murdered, raped and starved? It sounds a tad self absorbed.

  8. Soulmate. Husband. Togetherness.

    Tough ......  but dreams may come true.

    If you keep your promise, surely HE will keep his promise too.

  9. He's gonna see how whipped you are on him and be totally turned off by it and not hook up with you ever.  You will collapse into a deep depression you will never get out of.  I'll send you the shopping cart you will need to carry all your possessions in when you become a bag lady.

  10. If you believe that religion is based on this, you have big issues. This nothing but "puppy love" and if you give it a chance it will pass.

  11. Don't tell him you're crazy.

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