
Do you believe Heath Ledger is really dead?

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I know that most of you will think that I'm crazy for asking this but it feels like there's something off. He just died out no where. Its like oh he's dead. And then how he's coming out with a movie at the same time even though it was already done when he died. The publicity it got recently with the whole Mary Kate thing. I don't know.

Do NOT say something like, well where else would he be because that's not even an answer.




  1. I have no clue who he is, but I did some reasearch, and these are the results:

    HOPE THIS HELPS! if you liked him then I feel really bad 4 u. I know how me and other fans would feel if one of the Jonas Brothers died

  2. Yes I do believe he is dead.  

  3. even though i never met him i felt him close to my heart. he is no longer living but his soul lives on! rip heath ledger.

  4. sorry to say but Heath is gone, may he rest in peace

  5. i do think he's dead.  which is hard for me cuz i LOVED him. he was so talented! and i don't think it was suicide. he loved his daughter too much i tihnk. it was an accidnet.  

  6. Yes I do, unfortunately. There is only one certainty in life and that is death, and sometimes it is sudden and unexpected and tragic. The whole Mary Kate thing was the media trying to sensationalize something that wasn't there...just trying to make money off a family's tragic loss. Sick isn't it.

    What are you talking about a movie coming out?

    He had just finished filming two films at the time of his death (one was Dark Knight) and was having trouble sleeping from the stress. Both films were in production (being edited, cut, put together, and enhanced) when he died. They weren't finished with the editing of Dark Knight until July when it was released but filming was wrapped when he died in January.

    You can read more about his other film here:

  7. Yes, it is true.  There is proof.

  8. ...they had reasons on why he was dead. he overdosed on drugs.

    his movie was finished filming about 4 months before he died, so he wasn't alive when it came out.

    He died while he was making another movie though, but that one obviously didn't come out.

  9. Yes, he's dead, because of stupid drugs

    EDIT: The person who told me also told me that he couldn't fall asleep so he had to use sleeping pills, but he overdosed on them and died

  10. Yes, He really is dead.  

  11. Yes he is dead. They have pics of his body, they buried his body. There is no way anybody would make a big publicity stunt like that. Hate to break it to you, but many people die suddenly. In his case, it was from drug overdose.  

  12. Yes, he's dead.  They don't do fake autopsies.

  13. I do understand what you are saying; however, in this case I do believe it is true so please just know that he had something he was unable to take care of but he has made a lot of young people rethink suicide so just rest assure that his purpose was to save many young teens from death.

    Your Sweet and no worries because your heart is in the right place ;~)

    Hugs and Favor



    OH and PS He didn't commit suicide but his purpose was to make the ones who consider rethink because the media from this error made such a big deal out of the fact he commited suicide even though he didn't other reconsidered killing themselves  ~ PURPOSE is what is really is all about ;~)

    SEASON A Reason and a LIFETIME

  14. Yes, he is dead.

    He died of an OD on prescription drugs, not street drugs.

    It was weird though seeing The Dark Knight and knowing that they probably won't have another batman movie with the joker as amazing as he was

  15. He really is dead. For the movie your talking about, that was being filmed when he died, the highered a couple other actors (johnny depp is one) to fill in his role.

  16. No offense to anybody that watched the batman movie but i think the movie is cursed...

    & Yes i know how your feeling, he just died out of no where but there is proof everywhere, um sorry i forgot how to died.. ><

    sorry of this doesnt help  

  17. Heath Ledger is dead. So is Moe Green, Phillip Tatillia, Barzine today I settled all family business

  18. Yup.

    Nobody ever knows a good thing until they have lost it. I have him as my background for my computer. Before he died, i had only seen one movie of his, 10 things i hate about you. Now, i want to see them all. The dark knight is the best movie in the world presently.

    May Heath Ledger rest in peace and may his family be well. I love you Heath!

  19. HE IS DEAD.

    And now, please, let him Rest In Peace!

  20. I believe that he's really dead but I don't think your crazy for thinking that he isn't. My brother is a big fan of him and he thinks he might still be alive. It was out of the blue but things like that do happen. He did have pills he was taking so I'm sure it simply was an overdose nothing planned or anything. As sad as it is I don't believe he is still alive. When Elvis died most people were in denial and didn't want to believe it because it's so hard to think that something like that could happen.

    rest in peace Heath.

  21. Unfortunantly, I think it is true. the whole thing with the DARK KNIGHT was that he died while they were making the movie, so then they had to find another person who looked like heath to  finish up, which threw them way off schedule. It does seem like there's a lot of missing peices to the puzzle though.  

  22. the reason he died all of a sudden was because he overdosed. i believe he's dead because whenever i see a lifeless corpse being rolled out of an apartment, i assume someone died.  

  23. I believe that Heath is really dead. It was shocking I admit, but he is gone. It broke my heart, I thought he was one s**y M-F**KER!

  24. it certainly doesn't feel like he's dead. during the whole time his new name was previewing on tv i'd always imagine him out there living his life. but supposedly he's not.

  25. Yeah, he's dead.  He was pronounced dead, so his brain is dead and his not beating.

  26. hes dead. alot of celebs died suddenly... its sad, but it happens.

    plus, the dark night have finished filming when he died. they were editing... ledgers part was done.

  27. It's pretty weird going to see the Dark Knight and knowing that he's past away, but it's life, things like that are going to happen.

    May He Rest.In.Peace

  28. Yes he is dead, it was a drug overdose that is reported to have been accidental and he had already filmed the movie.

  29. No he aint dead.. he kicked butt so much in the dark knight that he got enough points for a free life lol he is probably chillin on set in gotham with optimus prime or willy wonka lol

  30. Not in spirit

  31. I think that he's probably dead, sadly...  T.T

    I mean, cmon'!  The paparazzi is EVERYWHERE and if he were alive somewhere, they'd be the first to get to him.

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