
Do you believe In this March on Congress?

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The President of the United States has ignored the "Constitution of Our America" which he swore an oath to uphold. If we let him off the hook we open the door for future Presidents to also ignore our rights as citizens of the USA.

This is a critical time in American history, America will not survive through another administration whether Republican or Democrat that will not uphold the Constitution.

I believe that many don't really understand the importance of our rights as a people. If America sinks we all sink.

Events Planned for March 10-19, 2008, to Resist the U.S. Occupation of Iraq, Oppose New Wars, Demand Impeachment




  1. From "The Princess Bride",

    "Have fun storming the castle boys!"

    BTW, this impeachment thing?

    You need actual crimes to have been committed in order to make that work.

    Don't you think Pelosi Et Al would have been all over it if there had been any?

    Way to think for yourself ya sheeple!

  2. Nobody in Congress or the Presidency has upheld the Constitution - ALL the Constitution - for well over 50 years now.

    What makes Bush so special? He hasn't ignored it any more (or any less, for that matter) than any of the past dozen or more presidents, so I don't see this as being of any value.

    I don't see anybody upholding the limitations on the government that were placed in the Constitution. An originalist reading of the Constitution would hold Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Farm Subsidies, Dept of Education, HHS, Minimum Wage Laws, etc, etc, etc, as unconstitutional. And yet, I doubt most of the people marching would agree.

    So, the alleged support of the Constitution you're espousing is very limited - it's only those parts of the Constitution you think he violated (he hasn't), while ignoring the vast majority of government violations of the Constitution.

    All your event sounds like is a delusional hate Bush rally.

  3. is another one of them George Soros Answer code pink protest events? I wonder how many Pounds of weed and Crack will be consumed at this march?

  4. Before you start talking about other people's 'ignoring' the US Constitution you need to stop ignoring it yourself.

    Read up what the US Constitution says about impeachment and stop being a hypocrite.

  5. Yes, I do. Do you know Ron Paul is planing a march for the same thing? Well almost the same thing anyways. It's all about truth and freedom right?

  6. Nope its just silly!!

    I do agree that all Presidents and Congressman ignore the Constitution.

    So if you want to have a march on ALL of Washington with Fire Arms then sign me up

  7. It appears you know very little about the Constitution. You better thank the men and women who died fighting for the Constitution.. Go march, just remember those designers of the Constitution as you march, because if it was not for them you wouldn't be marching...

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