
Do you believe John Edwards statement ... that he had no knowledge that an associate of his made various

by Guest33653  |  earlier

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payments to the woman that Edwards had an affair with ??




  1. It is obvious that you can't believe ANYTHING Edwards says.

  2. Why would an associate make payments on behalf of him in the first place? He/she knew of the affair and Edward's didn't? Try to remember that Edward's is a lawyer and a politician.

  3. Methinks his pants are well ablaze.

  4. He is a lying , cheating worm with no interest in anything but himself.  He will get it one day and I hope its soon.  If he shows up at the Democratic Convention it will only show that he thinks what he did --deceiving his wife, lying to the American public and extorting funds from campaign donations were all fine for him to do.  Thank goodness he wasn't the nominee.  What a mess that would have been.  

  5. LIAR, I don't believe it for one minute..I'm sure this dirt bag authorized paying this and probably more women off to keep quiet.

  6. The woman he went with is apparently a s**t. If she has and affair with John and has a baby for another married man (so they say) Then how can anyone believe anything he says if he sleeps with that kind of woman,  His wife is dieing and he is still seeing this woman. Nothing will change the minds of people about his honesty until he and she have a paternity test. Then you will know if he has been funneling money or not.

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