
Do you believe John Edwards the American clairvoyant from crossing over is for real?

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Do you believe John Edwards the American clairvoyant from crossing over is for real?




  1. I could say I don't believe he really does this...but I keep watching him. ..and the people he talks to. Same with Sylvia. I do know that spirits(or "something") can tell you things. How many times have you said ..or heard someone say.."Something told me.".to do this or that.? Sometimes it saves people from accidents etc. I also know that spirits can mislead you and get you into a lot of trouble. So, I can't really say if he's for real or not.

  2. Uh....I'm getting a "P", um Peter?'s seems more like a (keep going until someone responds)'s really a nick name...  

    A woman in the audience shouts out PEARL! thats my nick name. "that's right, sais Edwards, I knew it. I'm sensing that someone close to you is in trouble, but it's not in your immediate family...  "That's right, sais Pearl, it's my next-door nieghbor. He died last week."

    "I get the feeling there was something odd on his casket, uh something shining" sais Edwards, (no response from Pearl), but it was old." Pearl shouts out, "an antique photo, in a shining glass frame"

    Wow, the people in the audience think to themselves. How did Edwards know THAT?

  3. I have heard from people that were on his show that he is amazing. THey told me that the clips we see are so shortened and that he was right on target and that much of what he tells the individual did not make the finished cut

  4. hi its john here, everything i say is true, i can see dead people and also into the future,

    mind out tomorrow cos it dont look good  sorry.. dont cross the road

  5. I vote for fake!

  6. Yes, John Edward has helped many people to speak to family and friends that are now gone. He has done this since he was young. God gave him this gift.

  7. None of them are - it's all a trick ! ! !

  8. On my home planet; we thought he was just another stand-up comedian. From a human perspective; I have no doubt he sees dollar $igns in the audience and hears cha-ching as well.

  9. He is a very good actor, but nothing more than that.........he starts by saying......there's someone with the a name that starts with the letter S, to an audience of more than 100 people....but of course someone out of those 100 people will have a friend, relative who's name starts with an come he can not never ever say anything about foreigners......he's just full of it, and takes advantage of ignorant people...................

  10. I've seen the show. I don't need to see him on the show to be able to see that he is a cold/hot reading fraud who takes advantage of hurting, gullible people to make buttloads of money. Nothing he has done has ever amounted to something unexplainable or mysterious if you know his tricks. Ho hum.

    EDIT: Regarding Prof. Gary Schwartz and other prominent psychiatrists involved in psi research, I've come to the conclusion that a poor understanding of the scientific method and methodologies is not uncommon among psychologists, even well-respected and accomplished ones, though I emphasize I'm not painting all psychologists with this brush. I don't see this kind of paucity in the physical sciences.That's just my experience, take it as you will.

  11. No, and anyone that does is not thinking straight.  John Edwards works very hard at what he does.  But if he could really do anything "supernatural", he would just go win James Randi's million dollar offer for any proven supernatural act, and then retire!

    Allow me to be "clairvoyant" and to 'read' your character through the internets:

    You generally find it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others.  At times you doubt whether you have made the right choices in life.  You have things about yourself you consider "personality weaknesses", but you are generally able to compensate for them.

    Does that sound just like you? Be honest...

  12. A real what?

    He's either a liar (he knows he's full of ****) or he's a lunatic (he doesn't know he's full of ****).

    But I do not believe that he can do what he says he does.

  13. 1. South Park

    2. many books can teach you exactly what he does

    3. wat a freakin Douche

    4. yea.. he can talk to the dead and i can heal the dead -_-

    5. paid actors in the audience

    6. money MONEY $$$

  14. psyexplo:

    Could you be more specific with the link to Ariz U program? I'm not finding anything there about JE. Thanks.

    I'm of two minds about JE. I can see where general questions can stimulate people to believe he's talking to them and then get more specific. I'm very familiar with the "cold reading" process and have seen it in use by other people. I'm not sure that's what he's doing.

    However, there is also a sense with the people he reads that he is hitting on some very specific info about their family. They do seem genuinely moved by the experience. I can't imagine they are all actors, or all taken in by a con artist.

    As far as income, we all get paid for what we do as a I'm not sure that's valid. If people are willing to pay for tickets to a tv event, they are the only one's who can say if they get their money's worth. There are a lot less interesting ways to spend money. :o) I'd rather buy a ticket to this show than spend it on a ticket to a sporting event...but that's just me!

  15. My opinion?  Hoax.

  16. Put it this way, he won the Biggest Douche in the Universe award on an episode of South Park.

  17. Anybody that advertises themselves on TV as something usually means they are not the real thing. There can be psychics that talk to the dead but you are not going to find they sell their time to Dawn so it can be advertised in the middle of his conversation with grandma Sue

  18. No.

  19. No, he uses classic cold reading techniques. Anyone who knows about the history of con-artistry, this is how con-men fake psychic abilities, or mystic knowledge.

    Most people are not so vulnerable to this garbage, however those who have recently lost a loved are particularly vulnerable to cold reading mediums.

    The other point is that he edits his show from 2 hours down to a half hour to make it appear more accurate than it actually is.

  20. Yes is all i have to say

  21. I believe the show is mostly for entertainment purposes (that's why it's on TV) and to judge his abilities (or lack thereof) on the basis of what he does in an entertainment format is typical debunker (read bad) science.

    John Edward has been tested under controlled scientific conditions by Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona (link below). If his abilities are to be believed or called into question should be determined by examining his performance under testing conditions. To do less is to base an opinion on your faith (that it can or can't happen).

  22. i believe it is edward, without the s.

    first time i hear about him and i already trust him as much as 'john edwards', with 's', the president wannabe. meaning, zero.

    the moment psychics advertise and try to sell you something, the moment i dislike them.

    but i believe there are 'psychics for real'.

    not this one, tho.

  23. no. i don't believe that people can talk to the dead.

  24. No.  I have watched and to me it is obvious that he uses cold reading techniques.  Let me tell you, though; I do believe in things that can't be explained.  I have had precognitive experiences that have made me a very spiritual person.  But, I really do not enjoy the very fact that there are mostly fraudulent people out there who make money off of their "talent" for reading people.  I read Tarot cards, because I enjoy it.  But, when a person sits at my table, I will show them how easy it is to first "read" them before I even consult the cards.  I want them to understand that their is a certain understanding of human behavior that goes into the reading.  Then, I let them be "entertained" by the amazing stories the Tarot will lay out for them.

  25. If we learned anything from South, I'll just say no. It's pretty obvious how he does it.

  26. Im generaly skeptic, but open to investigation into paranormal activity.

    What John Edwards does is human psychlogy and the tools of a con man.

    please dont be taken in.

    Did your dads name start with a K....please.

  27. fake

  28. no, as far as I know, nobody except Jesus Christ has ever died, crossed over to death and returned to tell us what someone is saying or doing. He is a fraud with a gift for cold reading.

  29. Well, if he did not do something that magicians can do without claiming to talk to the dead then possibly.  The cold (and hot readings) are a pretty old trick and there are people who can do exactly what John Edwards claims to do, except these people will tell you it is just a trick.  A bit of knowledge of human psyche and knowing how to phrase questions and knowing when to act on something, and you can appear to be speaking with the dead.

  30. I am certain he is an absolute fraud.  In other words, I don't think he *thinks* he's talking to dead people.  I think he *knows* he isn't and is lying to these people's faces.

    What kind of person would do that?  The kids on South Park had it right.

    The link has an article that explains it pretty well.  The second link is Ray Hyman's take on the VERITAS experiments mentioned by psiexploration.

  31. Yes, I think so.

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