
Do you believe McCain is really interested in bipartisanship?

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Considering the attacks from his party this week, the lobbyists sitting in the front row, and his association with attack dog Karl Rove, how can any claims of bipartisanship from him be anything but retoric?




  1. Yes I honestly do.  I really think he is putting the American people's interests first and that would mean putting both party's good ideas together.  I know it sounds too good to be true but I believe it.  

  2. Nope, he is only interested in winning the election.

    He showed that loud and clear by selecting Palin over Lieberman and put party before country after the GOP leadership told him to.

  3. He has a proven record of working with Democrats and voting with Democrats going against his own party. I believe he is genuine when he says that, thats why they call him a maverick. How refreshing that would be to have someone working for whats best for the American people and not the party.

    During the conventions they are there to attack the other party and fire up their base. The Democrats did the same thing.

  4. Any president is interested in pushing his own agenda; and he doesn't care who or what party supports it.

  5. Because he is ,He has already showed it. Check your facts you will see

  6. Certainly as long as they agree with him  

  7. Yes, he has lived it -something your candidate Obama knows nothing of since he has the 'most partisan voting record' in both the IL State Senate, and so far in the U.S. Senate (when he's not voting 'Present' or campaigning for another office)..

    McCain/Palin '08!

  8. First off, politics and rhetoric go hand in hand. Accept it.

    Secondly, look at McCain's Senate record. He already has. He will have Democrats and Independents in his cabinet, will Obama? He has scores of Democrats praising him on a recent TV ad, does Obama come with such endorsements? Biden said that he'd run on a ticket with McCain, would he do that for Obama? Oh yeah, he is. Funny how things play out.

  9. No, he is interested in winning.

    All good and well but don't try and con me.

  10. Don't forget his twin brother McBush giving a cameo, instead of showing up.

  11. No more than Obama....He has NEVER reached out to Republicans.  Being the most liberal senator, why would he?  He is nothing more than a stooge for white liberals.

  12. In his heart, he believes it.  But we have seen him "reform" so many of his positions this year to win the nomination.  There's no reason to trust that he will go back to being the maverick that Republicans hated on January 20, 2009.  If he does, he will be truly bipartisan:  A president hated equally by both parties.  Can you spell g-r-i-d-l-o-c-k?

  13. Many in the Republican party still haven't forgiven him for McCain-Feingold, for one. He isn't so much calling for bipartisanship as non-partisanship, in any case. Keep in mind, for instance, that he bucked the administration on insisting on the "surge" and strategic changes that turned the tide in Iraq. That was the right thing to do, even though it was unpopular with BOTH parties.

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