
Do you believe Michael Moore uses tragedies to make money?

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I believe all of his documentaries are bias, and ridiculous. He would be nobody if these terrible things didn't happened. He is a pathetic excuse for an American, and this new movie about September 11th should not be allowed to be put out. He made enough money on the first one, it is now almost 7 years after the fact, can't he leave something like that alone??




  1. As an outsider (non-American) I think that Moore exposes much that needs to be shown. Yes, he is clever at maximising

    small points and could do with a little bit of balance here and there. But is there anyone else brave enough to take on the issues he highlights?

    I think he does America an important service. Widen the debate on the issues and move out of the comfort zone

    of complacency.

  2. Yes, he also has stock in Haliburton and General Dynamics

  3. His films aren't anti American or biased. He is just painting a clear picture of the problems in the country so that Americans can clearly see them without the gloss of the government trying to cover problems with the country up.

  4. Manly it is because of his hate of the President and America he puts out these "Fakementaries".

  5. I don't agree with Michael Moore on nearly every point he makes. And, I notice that he does take advantage of a lot of individuals in his work, especially those people who are most hurt, and are just looking to be proactive and helpful. But I believe that he has a right to put out his vitriol, because even if he is a shabby American, he is still an American. Now, I would hope that he soon emigrates from the states, and to some more fit country, maybe Iran?

  6. Most of his documentaries are not based upon tragedies

    Films like Sicko or Fahrenheit 9/11 are simply exposing corruption or flaws in the system.  

    Take a step back from your politics and some day you will be glad we have outspoken people like him.

  7. yes. he's a fat b*****d.

  8. I think that Micheal Moore needs to be deported. He is a big slob that takes whatever minor issue and stretches and distorts the truth so that you believe what he wants you to. He really needs to be shot.

  9. Oh, I'm sorry...did you forget about September 11th? Because it is still valid to the rest of us. The current Republican administration has used the chant of "911... 911... 911..." - to trample civil rights, justify a war, spy on Americans, torture prisoners in defiance of the Geneva convention, etc....

    "and this new movie about September 11th should not be allowed to be put out. " Um, ....Who exactly is biased here? You want to ban a film, basically restrict an American's right to free speech (yes, film is covered) because you disagree with the film maker's views...and you claim the filmmaker is biased? Nice logic.

    There is a simple solution - don't see the film

    By the way - his very first film was about his hometown, Flint MI - "Roger and Me". Not a tragedy. The point of a documentary is to examine a subject from a particular viewpoint  -  which is what he does. You of course are free to disagree with that viewpoint - or just not see the film.

    Halliburton has made more money from September 11th than Michael Moore ever will.

  10. No,  But someone is making money from these tragedies.

    War, natural disaster, for-profit health, guns,  there are billions at stake and I don't think Moore is getting any.

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