
Do you believe Nostradamus' theories?

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Supposedly he predicted numerous life changing events, and I was watching the history channel a few days ago, and he predicted the "end of the world" will come in 2012... I'm not one for believing conspiracies, or any of that stuff... but after seeing after he has predicted, it just creeps me out a bit! What are your thoughts?




  1. Could be possible, but without proper evidence, I wouldn't believe him.

  2. No you can go through history and fit his predictions into any century  

  3. I find the predictions interesting but and leery about interpretation's.  Will the world end in 2012.  Probably yes for many people.

    Will the world end for everyone in 2012?

    I sincerely doubt it.

    Many people thought the end of the world was going to occur in 1936, the start of WW2.  For many people it was the end of their world as they knew it.

  4. The Bible says only God knows when the world will end.

  5. I think some of it he was right b/c he was humun. Theirfore he just like any other human would make mistakes. Angels are known for God's messagers, so I think they talk to people and that how some people know and don't know. I'm sure you have a bad feeling about something so you didn't do it right? Later on you found out why and you are happy b/c you listen to that bad feeling. Ahhh I will go w/ the messenger from God put that feeling in you.

  6. I'll get back to you on that in 2013.

  7. not really

    his prophecies are pretty vague

    I suppose it is possible, but kinda skeptical anyway

  8. Nostradamus was so 'vague' in his quatrains, plus his lack of dating, that you can make it sound like any historical event if you just tweak it enough. Remember not only was it written in French, many were mistranslation(some deliberately) to make it sound like he predicted the event, after the fact.

  9. i would have to say i would believe...the mayans predicted everything so far and i believe them well in 2012 goodbye

  10. I think his theories are just hidden meanings within hidden meanings.

  11. Is it not coincidental that along with Nostradamus saying the world would end in 2012 On the ancient Mayan calendar it also said the world would end in 2012 and according to many jehovah witnesses the world is gonna end very soon and it is one of our last days here and the bibles' days are slightly off when it predicts such cause the bibles days can equal years...>>?

    But as for me i dont know if i believe it or not i just dont really think about it!

  12. Nostradamus is BS.  He wrote postdictions not predictions, that is the event happened and then people said "Oh that's what that means"

    If someone can point to a quatrain and then describe the event before it happens, then I will be impressed.

  13. i seen the same thing and it really freaked me out too, plus i believe the Mayans had predicted the same thing so it seems pretty strange both having the same prediction, i don't know if you believe in the bible or not but if you do it does say no one not even the angels in heaven will know when the earth will end.

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