
Do you believe Obama is qualified to be our next Commander in Chief?

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The key word is qualified. Words that people speak( by speech writers....) I want proof that he wrote any of what he has said. .I agree with Hillary on his Demogoguery(bad speller like Quayle!!!) :) What do you think?




  1. yes he meets all the qualifications.  Look back in history and you'll find the more experienced presidents were failures.  The least experienced were the great leaders.

  2. Certainly he's more qualified than the coke-snorting-frat-boy currently in charge.

  3. No he is not

  4. More qualified than Bush!.. and he is the President. I am willing to give him a try. I think he has the goods to be a great leader and unifier for our country.

  5. Sadly with what he has said he would do if he were president then NO.

  6. I think he will do a great job. Hillary scares the h**l out of me. and I 100% respect Mccain for all he has done and been through (pow) but, I think he will do way more harm than good. And that is coming from me and a lot of Infantry men I have talked to. (i'm am army wife)

  7. If a delusional state of MIND regarding reality qualifies one, then he certainly is qualified.


  8. NO WAY

  9. Qualified as opposed to .....>>???  Hillary???

    Senator is a very intelligent and dignified gentleman.  Yes, I believe he is qualified.

  10. more qualified than Hillary - I can tell u that...the most important qualification is integrity - she has NONE. She'll lie to anyone, try to talk "black" to African Americans- in the process insulting them and charming the weak minded, and while she does it write herself a nice paycheck...Now she's telling voters it will be their fault if she isn't elected.  That's right hillary- I forgot- WE'RE all here just for YOU! She really is slime incarnate...

    McCain is the most qualified by far- but that doesn't mean Obama isn't qualified!

  11. Yes!

  12. If all need is good looks and a smile. Otherwise no!

  13. no more than i am to be mayor of my city.

  14. Werdo 199 is right. He's all talk and show. Hillary is a neocon in disguise and McCain is a war monger. I guess people prefer uncertain doom over certain doom so he's slightly less revolting until we find more out about him.

    We don't deserve the kinds of candidates who can help our country, but get no attention. If Ron Paul had the vote of anyone who said "I like Paul, but he's never going to be president", he would be president. The media feeds it and we eat it up. God help us all.

  15. i dont think so. but i just think anyone right now will be a h**l of a better president than bush. hes a r****d. but obama i dont think has the experience. he has good ideas but doesnt say how they will carry them out. i think hilary would make a better president because what she says is believable and she has bill there helping too and he was a good president so he would be able to help out

  16. hahahhahahahhahahahahha

    sorry. I thought you said Do you believe Obama is qualified to be our next Commander in Chief?

    yikes. You did. Not a chance in.......

  17. In One Word ... NO!!!

  18. Last time I checked, Abe Lincoln did not serve in the military and he turned out to be a pretty good commander in chief.

    I am in the military. I want a person who can think clearly and display good judgment. I could care less if that person has not served before but can make the right decisions and be a leader.

  19. He is at least as qualified as a (possibly?) reformed alcoholic and cocaine user whose daddy's friends arranged for him to serve out a war in a non-job in a state national guard air unit, where he did not even show up part of the time for training.

  20. Sure, why not?

    I mean look at GW Bush...was he qualified?

  21. No he is not and it amazes me people support him like they do.  Its almost as if he has a way of hypnotizing people into supporting him.

  22. He's a natural born citizen, he's at least 35, and he's lived in the US for at least 14 years.

    So, yes, he's qualified.

  23. He is over 35 years, a natural born, and has lived here more than 14 years.  He is qualified.

    He is also by far the best candidate left in the running.  He and I have some differences, particularly in immigration, but he will be just fine.

  24. No way, shape or form. Besides, he is a Muslim and don't you forget it.

  25. Not even close!

  26. Presidents are only tested in a crisis. That is what makes them "qualified" (IMO. Presidents who are "unqualified" ultimately expose themselves by being associated with an embarrassing event in their first term.(i.e.Ford, Carter). So  far, Obama has been the better campaigner, and has avoided embarrassing incidents. But there are still 8 months to go. We shall see.

  27. No, I do not think he is qualified to be our next Commander in Chief. Today on the news talk radio, Rusty Humphrey and Mark Lavine stated that Obama received funds before by Yasar Arrafat, now tell me whay someone running for the presidency of the United States would receive money by a known terrorist? And then there is the issue of the church he is a member at. Sounds like the wolf in sheep clothing to me.

    It would be a nightmare to have the Clinton's back in the White House also.

  28. who is?

    Ron paul or Dennis Kucinich or maybe Ralph Nader.

    Would obama be by far the better choice of two weevils?


    None of the people write most of what they say.

    Its all acting and everything they all do is done by committee.

    Hillaries speaches are just as borrowed. If you really want something to ***** about, Si Se pueadae or whatever was Dennis Kuciniches whole frigging production long before

    "yes we can" speach of obama. They are all ripping each other off for the best position pubilicly. What we will get is

    what you are looking at if you read the fine print of their position papers and then combine that up with what the difference is between what they will try to do and what will get done given interference.

    Why knock obama? What would YOU do as president?

    everybody needs to think in terms of the positive and quit looking to shoot others down over petty things.

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