
Do you believe Palin will give dinner table logic when she debates Biden or actual facts?

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So far all we have heard out of her and about her have been canned responses like Grass roots girl, Anti Abortion/Anti g*y,Maverick. There isn't a whole lot more to say.




  1. She comes off as a person who will state actual facts.  

    And when has Obama stated facts, rather than his pretentious messianic rhetoic?

  2. Sarah Palin will tell it like it is. The canned responses will come from Biden -- Obama's 37 year D.C. agent of "change"  

  3. Dinner table logic full of facts and truth.  I am sure Biden will be dumbfounded..  

  4. We use actual facts at my dinner table, I don't know about yours.

  5. She would have given all facts , if only she new them. Alas, the is even less educated than Bush - complete disaster.

  6. She's just there to balance out the ticket.  I see her more as a Dan Quayle than anything.  I don't know why the Republican party thinks a pro-life/no-choice, gun toting NRA candidate will win over Hillary supporters.

  7. is she serving chocolate moose? it would be illogical if corrupt conservatives would vote for her and she investigates them but that would be like mark Foley using his political power to defend children form predators and then becoming one himself. or has that happened already.,

    Don McClanen thinks a condition called pleonexia has overtaken the U.S. 'Pleonexia is an insatiable need for more of what I already have, and it has penetrated our culture to the point where people are angry at the poor,' he states."

    Jaye Scholl; Don McClanen Offers the Wealthy a Different Kind of Freedom; Barron's (New York); Sep 18, 2000.

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