
Do you believe Phil Scheider was murdered for talking about the aliens?

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This video is of one of his talks and is less than 4 minutes long.




  1. After doing some basic research, and reviewing my own information regarding Project RAINBOW (aka "The Philadelphia Experiement" and "Project Montauk"), I can conclude that Phil Schneider was either misled or lying about his father's involvement with that project. Phil's father was not listed in the personnel records that I have for Project RAINBOW at all.

    Official cause of death reported: self-inflicted asphyxiation by means of a rubber hose tied around his neck, which caused several blood vessels in his brain to break due to the pressure (not unlike tying a rubber band around your finger until blood vessels break). This does seem a little suspect, and I'm requesting copies of the official autopsy next week in order to continue investigating this myself, since I find it intriguing.

    It's tough to say for sure that Phil's death was a suicide or not, but one thing is for sure: it was not any accident. If it was a suicide, then Phil did it to himself. If it wasn't, then someone else did it to him. The real question we should be asking here is: what reasons would he have to commit suicide? I can think of a few, none of them honorable.

    But then let's look at Phil's last year alive. He didn't look well, relative to the year before that. His skin was slightly more pale, and he gained some weight. Puffiness under his eyes spoke of a lack of sleep, possibly due to anxiety, depression, or both (understandable, considering his story). But considering the timing, I find it difficult to believe that the origination of the suicide was in the late 1970's. My guess is closer to 1982, though at this moment it's nothing more than a theory without basis in anything more than a "gut feeling".

    People just don't get murdered for talking about the aliens. People get intimidated and threatened for talking, but mostly they get murdered for keeping it a secret. They are murdered to maintain secrecy. Once secrecy is broken, all that killing someone does is solidify the secret. It creates a martyr. We learned that in the 1970's, too, with our involvement in Vietnam.

    Many of Phil's claims are dubious. However, there isn't any proof other than his injuries (which could have been due to another reason). Having survivor guilt myself, I can understand how it feels to be the only survivor of a group. Phil just didn't portray what I feel was a credible image of being a survivor. Most people don't want to talk about it. I certainly don't talk about my experience. It's not that there's any great secret, it's that it's personal and I just don't share that part of myself with others in general.

    So do I believe? I don't know. I don't believe it was accidental or natural, but I'll wait until I see evidence to make a choice.

  2. Phil Scheider was killed by the CIA .Most of the time they can make murder look like suicide.It very easy for them to achieve that as they have done it many times in different ways.Phil must have said some thing that breached a security level protocol.I guess you might say he said too much.The big question is what was it he said or wrote about that lead to his death.Some thing he did really sent the red flags out.It could have been as simple as releasing someones name or secret  location.

  3. The extra information you provided is contradictory...or at least not proof read.  It says he died in Jan 1996, but gave a lecture in May 1996

    His claims were clearly delusional, and grew more fantastic and detailed with each telling, like a good yarn usually does.  Maybe he even believed the stories himself after a while.  The Philadelphia Project was a bit of hokum that has been going around for years, to link himself to it through his father is narcisistic and self serving..

    The man accidently asphyxiated himself during an act of autoerotic behaviour.  Similar to the way Michael Hutchence of INXS did.  A sad life, wasted.

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