
Do you believe Russia's claims on why they attacked Georgia?

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I don't.




  1. The main problem lies in the fact that the US has gotten way too cozy with Georgia, and this is Russia's way of showing the US who is in charge in that part of the world.Russia is surrounded by the countries that once were part of the old Soviet Union, and the US is starting to have too much influence on them , in Russia's eyes. They resent the fact that the US contributed mightily to their demise as a once mighty super power, to just a country that has nuclear weapons.

  2. See  for the REAL story.

  3. They just took an opportunity to expand their borders. They shouldn't be invading other countries.

  4. There's definitely more to it then what we're being told, but I think it has to do with Georgia as the aggressor. Moreso considering the fact that the U.S. has been supplying them with weapons and intelligence up until the time of their attack, along with the fact that Condy Rice made a trip over just a few days before this all started.

  5. Of course not.

  6. No. Russia has been waiting for this window of opportunity to demonstrate its military power in the caucuses. He knows that the US and NATO cannot decide on military intervention immediately due to its commitment and "self impose responsibility as a peace guardian and model". Ever since Putin became a strong figure Russian had became a crying baby asking for an eye to eye attention from the rest of the world like the cold war era.Like joining the G7 even thought it is as poor as any other third world country in Europe and America. 2 or 3 months ago a Russian jet shot down a Georgian spy plane inside Georgia as soon as he declare alliance with the rebel in South Osetia. This will not be an advantage to Russia. Russia is bad at this kind of thing. He always self destruct on this scenario.

  7. Not really. I think they want to get more territory.  

  8. Of course not. Just like Russians didn't believe the claims justifying war in Iraq. This **** is all about the black gold in the Caspian Sea.  

  9. as credible as our unjust invasion of Iraq...we hav eno credibility since we invade at will...

  10. Russia didn't attacked Georgia, Russia protects South Osseta from Georgia, which is truing to kill this people. You, Americans just  don't know the truth, your government, mass media lie to you!

    As for the president of Gergia, he's a real idiot, it's wrong to killl people of your country if they want independence.

    If you want to know real information, visit another web-sites, not only american.              

  11. Does it matter? For all intensive purposes they could just as well claim that Georgia is spoiling the land of "Mother Russia" with banana plantations gone wrong.

    Really ... they want Georgia and any excuse is as good as another. So what's it matter what they said to excuse their military might?

    If the States can do it with Iran and other nations then why not Russia?

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

  12. I don't either, Russia is just looking for any kind of excuse to punish Georgia for declaring it's independence *again* after been invaded by the USSR.

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