
Do you believe The National Enquirer or an honorable rich lawyer from carolina?

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I ain't that baby's daddy and you must not believe that old bleached blonde s***k making trouble for me. Trust me.




  1. Watch your ankles as you fall from the pedestal of American Politics....Who didnt see that coming...I did!

  2. The DNA test will say who is right.

  3. i know a lot of rich lawyers and none of them are honorable

  4. Actually as much as I hate to admit it. The NE actually has broken some pretty big stories over time. They are more respectable than they used to be. But I'd still never buy it.

  5. The Enquirer has photos and Edwards has admitted to the affair.

  6. Why would we want to believe either the National Enquirer of an honorable rich attorney from Carolina (which one, north or south?)?

    Just take the DNA test and settle the matter once and for all.

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