
Do you believe animals can understand us? And if they can, why?

by  |  earlier

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I think my hamster can understand what i say to him. Last night, he wanted to come out of his cage and i wouldnt let him because it was like 2:00am and i was going to bed. He has the habitrail ovo and when i woke up the pin that holds his wheel in was gone. (this isnt the fist time he has done that, im on my 4th pin since chirstmas.) I was upset because it takes FOREVER to find it in his white carefresh bedding. when i opend his cage he peeked out of his little hut and i said "You lost it again? I guess you'll go without the wheel for awhile untill i can get a new one." he looked at me really sadly and he pulled his head back in his hut. Then i said "If you want it back, find the pin." To my suprise, he waddled out and stuck his head in the bedding the pulled it out. i move the bedding from that spot, AND THERE IT WAS! HE can either understand me, or he is really smart!




  1. Yup I beleive that and maybe it's because they know you are their owner and they have to obey you.My hamster was running in his wheel a second ago when he was supposed to be sleeping so I said stop he stopped I said out of the wheel and he did.Then he followed what I wanted him to do.P.S. some times When I look like I need help with his cage he Digs out the bedding and carries it to the bag.

  2. Cute!Yes i do think animals can understand us.I don't know why though.

  3. That pretty cool!

  4. Animals can sense our moods and tone of voice and I believe it you talk to your pet they do eventually understand what your saying.  Pets are alot smarter than we give them credit for.  

    Very cute story by the way, he sounds like a really great pet!

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