
Do you believe animals have souls? wrt eating meat?

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i saw some answer that said animals have no soul therefore they are ok to kill and eat, otherwise eating meat would be murder (someone was oddly comparing this to abortion) . anyway, do meat eaters think its ok to kill animals "as they have no soul"?

um, i personally think they do, and yeah, i think of course its murder, um, sorry, i just dont care wrt eating meat. i think people make up too many excuses personally and wont admit it cuz its not pc.




  1. I do believe that all animals have their souls.

    I am meat eater and no excuses.

    You can say that again.

  2. I eat meat cause it tastes nice  

  3. 'Soul' is a dodgy term. Is it the same as being conscious?

    I believe that all larger animals are conscious (and so capable of being distressed), but I'm not sure about insects and anything smaller.

    An animal's distress is no-doubt just as horrible as our own, so it should be avoided. I believe in humane treatment of animals, but if they're humanely reared and killed then it's fine to eat them.

  4. All living things have souls, but animals are still a lower form of life than humans, their concept of pain and suffering isn't as great as ours, and we're following the course of nature by eating meat.  So I have no problem with eating meat.  Once we can find a way to surive without eating meat, then it would be unnecessary to kill animals for food, so then I would be against it.  There are vegetarian diets out there, but they aren't very healthy from the stories I hear.

  5. I don`t like meat but we are meat eaters, nothing to do with animals having souls, thats why we have teeth to rip the meat apart.

  6. If a hungry lion was in a room with you it would not hesitate to chow down on you...

    Animals dont give a **** about eating other animals, neither sould humans!

    Also, you tell me wat a soul is and ill tell you if an animal has one.

  7. We eat meat because man throughout his history ate meat. It's just survival. As to the soul part, it's just another issue brought up by humans. We're not even sure about the so called human soul, as this is also just and invention of religion. I say eat what you like and don't concern yourself with these questions.

    Meat is a valuable element of human nutrition.


    @Silke: where did you get the idea that we weren't meant to be omnivores? Even the term implies humans. Even the Bible use sacrificial slaughter and meals as examples. We can survive on plants, yes, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. Ask any doctor around.

  8. Why would humans be omnivores if they weren't meant to eat meat?

  9. LOL thats the funniest thing ive heard all day, i never even thought of something as stupid as that, no i dont believe they have souls, even if they do then they are oh so delicious

  10. mmm Dover sole, delicious.

  11. From a scientific point of view, we human should avoid eating meat. Our digestive system is made such that food travels a long time inside our body before they are passed out as waste. Our small intestines are particularly very long. This is to allow assimulation of the nutrients to take place. However, the longer the digested meat stay inside our body, the greater the chance that the decayed meat oozes toxins inside our body. Thus, we have reports of cancer arising from eating too much meat. Compared to a meat -eating tiger or lion, their digestive system is short. For these animals, the waste are passed out quickly after they are consumed.

    Thus, human are created to consume vegetables which require a longer time for its nutrients to be assimulated. We are not made to eat meat that can cause harm to the body.

    From the spiritual point of view, yes, it is taught that animals too have soul although their souls are not as richly endowed as humankind. Thus, their level of intelligence falls below of man. They do have soul so that they become animated and alive. This is the basis for all living beings to be alive.

    For reasons above, mankind should avoid meat as far as possible - for his own good.

  12. I think animals have souls, but not the same kind of immortal souls humans have.  I think they cease to exist when they die, but I think that God can bring them back in Heaven if He wants to.

    I think that as long as an animal doesn't suffer, and isn't one of the highly intelligent kinds of animal like cats, dolphins, elephants, or primates, it's ok to eat them.

  13. animals are bred to be killed for food,  its only those stupid vegetarians making up stories so they cant eat meat.  

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