
Do you believe billiards is more fun than ping pong?

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The game of billiards is highly overrated. I would say that half the people that shoot pool are fat, lazy, stupid, drunks, whores, because pool is played in bars is why it gets so much attention. Before you even think about buying an expensive pool table you should look in the paper or Internet. There are probably 10 million pool tables sitting in homes right now gathering dust, because the game is boring. Buying a new table is not very smart. But before you buy a pool table, please go and play ping pong and you'll see how fun the game is and you'll see how boring billiards is.




  1. Even though I know full well that this is the same jackass asking the same question for the fourth time under a different profile, I'll actually dignify this with a response.  According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, approximately 47 million people in the United States played pool and/or billiards at least once in 2006.  Of that 47 million, 13.5 million played at least 13 times.  It was the fourth most popular sport in the United States.  40 percent of those players earned at least $75K/year.  I didn't see table tennis anywhere close on the list.  I really don't even see what the point of all your questions are.  Do you just assume that because somebody is in a bar, they are fat, lazy, drunk, and promiscuous?  Are you with Al-Qaida or something?  Do you work for the ping pong industry?  Do you honestly think that you can just say how boring your believe something is and somehow you'll change even one person's mind?  If anything, you're just hurting your own cause, if you even have one.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

    P.S. You know that Finkel J and John F are the same person.  Just like John F had three different names already when he posted the same question earlier.  He just made up another profile so he could give himself Best Answer or at least make it seem like somebody else agrees with him.  "Virgin" comes to mind.  Think how much time he has wasted making up all of these profiles, sitting in front of a computer.  My hunch is he's an 18 year old college freshman who thinks he has a clue about anything because he joined some campus activist group to pick up granola chicks, and now he's just so outraged with all of the injustice and ignorance perpetrated by his own country that and he wishes he could just bury his face in Michael Moore's bosom so he could protect him from all the evil Americans.  I know the type all too well; condescending, deluded, elitist, pseudo-intellectual windbags.

  2. I like them both.  I can put my table tennis table 1/2 up and practice or shoot pool.  I dont have to wait around for someone to play.  Although I guess I would state a good game of ping-pong is more challenging.

  3. well, i have both in my basement and i love to both! i just need to get a bar down there and all we be complete. hmmm......

  4. You and your body finkel together?, you two twits, going around saying what about pool? I don't think you will last 5 minutes in a pool hall, so nobody asked for your f**ked up opinion!. go play pingy with yourself...

  5. Erm.

    Thats your opinion, in my opinion,

    Billiards is a lot better than ping pong

  6. well i wrote this answer the other day to about the same question, and by the time i got done writing it, when i submitted my answer, it said this question has been removed so here is wahat i wrote as i save my writings into word 1st, incase the computer shuts off unexpecidelly=NO, i do not agree. i own both, as does my best friend. remindes me 1 rare night when i was at the pool hall, as i normally play at home, or friends house, anyway, they had at least 25 tables, it was a weekend, and the place was packed. was by myself, just scattering the balls out and running them, in any order, and im a fast player, so, yes that is 1 of my main prastice routines at that time, and i got great cardio doing it, and 2 guys from the bar area, near my table, stood at the balcony,  as they were looking out over the hall, i heard 1 guy very clearly  say MAN LOOK AT ALL OF THESE LOOSERS PLAYING POOL, as he sucked on his cig, and drank is beer, with his chest poked out like a rooster. i dont remember my exact thoughts at that moment, but im sure they wern't nice. i wonder what he though was cool to do. i looked over the hall and seen it packed with people laughing and smiling, and having a nice evening out. i love playing both ping pong and pool, sure you might run and chase the ball more in ping pong, i honestlly sold my bowflex a few years ago, to buy a newgy ping pong robot, so i could enjoy playing, and geting a good cardio workout, if noone was around 2 play. as with my neck condition, i  do not lift heavy weights. i also have a speedbag, and a double end bag, for cardio, and hand eye cordination. there is plenty of cardio 2 be had, playing pool! pool brings enjoyment, to many people.i'd love to know how many gaming systems you have? and how many hours a week you hide behind your joystick, or behind your keyboard? i wouldn't recommend putting people down, who are up, moving around, using their minds, playing pool.  this pool player could do 1k situps in a row, b4 my neck condition(dystonia) how many can you do? reason i say that, is don't judge, people who like to play pool. there are many athletes who play the game. don't down someone who is carrying extra weight around, at least their up moving around, enjoying life. i wasn't going to even answer this racist question, but wanted to post my opinion, to hopefully enlighten, and open closed minds. each 1 of us has our own battles to deal with , and worry about in life, without downing people. i know i do.

  7. I am a pool player,  and if you play right,  pool is a very mental sport.   to shoot a good game of pool,  math has to be involved.  you must know your angles.  in the idea that pool is more of a mental game than a physical game,  i like pool a lot better than ping pong

  8. LOST AGAIN HUH !! Add a U nto your name

    Hey Funkie How do you smoke a rack?? It takes me 9 shots  what you got A-wipe

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