
Do you believe both Palins scandals, the trooper scandal and unwed pregnant daughter turned off conservatives?

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And you cant say let them have their privacy. This is the VP seat and is important that we know everything about our candidates

many of my republican friends are voting for Obama because of Mccains VP pick




  1. I agree we need to know about the candidates

  2. Sarah Palin is the perfect choice for VP.Her daughter is not running for that big office.Before we criticised her, examine yourself first. She will be stealing the women vote.I now feel that my daughter one day could be in the higher office under the Republican.Good luck.I am a DEM crossing partyline.

  3. They have no where to go...their ideas are corrupt, their candidates are liars and the country has been run into the ground by their misconduct.

  4. I think it showed poor judgment on McCain's part, and on Palins part.

    There is no way that a vice presidential candidates unmarried teen daughter is not going to be found out.  Not with 24/7 coverage.

    Not even done with the intention of being intrusive, but it would have become known, even if married anyone could count, she is already five months pregnant, who in this day and age is going to be expected to believe a seven pound infant born at four months?

    When you make public statements about morality, and abstinence and family values, and they turn to dust, and you turn out to be mortal as the rest of us, you apologize and leave the race, McCain didn't need this, the party didn't need this, one scandal, she'd skate, two, and shes toast.

    I'm sorriest for the girl, her mother never should have exposed her to this.

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