
Do you believe brains of genders are different from genetics?

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A recent study has revealed pretty much what we already knew: that men and women were different inside and out.

However, there is now proof that from conception, males and females develop differently, and theirs brains have certain genetic traits that are just as telling as vaginas and pauls.

Do you believe this? Were you expecting it?




  1. Yep..

    Men and women have different brains and they both function differently.  There are a lot of sciences out there that proves this. More and more facts about structural and chemical differences in our brains are turning up all the time.

    Further prove that gender really isn't purely or mostly a "social construct".

  2. The study (ies at this point) aren't so recent, and frankly, anyone answering 'no' will be somewhat of a flat-earther/global warming denier/evolution denier, etc.

  3. Yes like totally!  The feminazi brains are set on channel M for media...  But it's great we are so different.  Who wants to be the same?  Then it might be boring...

  4. Not from genetics. Because you get 50% of your genes from the opposite s*x parent (slightly more, if you're male). There's a few differences they've linked to hormone exposure, though. And areas that you use a lot show more growth and less decay than others, so social differences can actual have an impact on the physical structure of the brain.

    I would be dubious of relying on one study on this, for the simple fact that the difference in lateralisation in brains, a commonly mentioned gender difference, has only been found to be significant in 5 - 15% of studies looking for it - depending on the criteria. And some differences may not be due to brain functioning, but differences in body size (smaller bodies = smaller skulls. So the brain, as it develops, will adapt slightly differently to the different sized skull - less expanding outwards and denser connections, which is one gender difference in brains). So if you wanted a proper conclusion, you'd have to review a lot of literature on this.

  5. Yes, I do.  Always have.  Though I do agree with J to some extent.  Much of it has to do with hormones.  If you watch young children they tend to be very similar until puberty (or slightly before) beings.  Much of the "that's for boys" or "thats for girls" with these young ages have been found to be more social norms or expectations.

  6. ya.............

  7. Duh, Mister Obvious.... That must have been a really slow day for news...

  8. It's kind of obvious that men and women must have somewhat of a diffrence of brain. That could explain why most women are more emotional than most men. Emotions stem from the brain. Just as the release of estrogen and testosterone.

  9. i like this bit;

    "They found that parts of the frontal lobe, which houses decision-making and problem-solving functions, were proportionally larger in women, as was the area which regulates emotions."

    its easy enough to find a different take;

    "the differences are smaller than most people believe. "

    this was interesting too;

    "Symmetry Of Homosexual Brain Resembles That Of Opposite s*x"

  10. I have a man brain and so I’m dumb but then again if I had a women brain as well I'd be crying about it all the time.

  11. Thats what I always wondered about. Is the y chromosme at fault the brain is different in males, it being awash in testosterone, or both ?

  12. I really don't think there is any scientific evidence that proves that men and women are different. ALL individuals are different, but there isn't one trait that all men have, and all women have. There are sterotypes, but these are just that because there are far too many variables.

    Also the so called 'scientific' tests that you can do which are meant to be able to state what gender you are are usually completely wrong.

  13. This and the release of Testosterone accounts for the fundamental differences in the Blueprints of the Male and Female brains. It also points to the fact that some Medical conditions should be treated differently based upon Gender Differences. It fundamentally refutes the Gender Feminist dogma that Gender is a Social Construct.

    Scientists who have provided this Research have been under pressure to suppress their Research by Gender Feminists. As it totally blows their belief system apart. Proving it to be based fundamentally on flawed assumptions.

  14. Well its obvious, you can theorize about social constructs till the cows come home, men and women have different brains and different strengths and weaknesses.

    Off course we get more feminine male brains and more masculine female brains, they are a minority.

    What happened with modern feminism was that the small % of women with more masculine brains decided that the world needed to change to suit them and that the rest of us just needed re-education.

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